Stop Using Filters On Your Dating Website Photos.

Anonymous Author
Advice for Women from a Guy
2 min readOct 16, 2020

I was scrolling through a dating website recently, and I noticed a trend: most of the women apply digital filters to their photos to make their skin look smoother, and to blur out blemishes and wrinkles.

First of all, men do not care about little dots and imperfections on your face. What matters to us is the overall shape. A woman could have little birthmarks all over and still be super attractive, men kinda don’t even notice stuff like that.

Second… you are on a dating site because you want to meet up with someone in real life and fall in love. You can’t put a filter on yourself in real life, and the person you contact is eventually going to see the real you. They will decide whether or not they find you attractive then, so it’s best to get it out of the way as early as possible.

Look at the mom from Honey Boo-Boo. She is hideous, but her man loves her and wants to marry her. You are beautiful enough to get a man as you are, you do not need to hide behind digital filters.

And finally, we can all tell if you are using a filter. The skin just looks too uniform in color, there are too few blemishes and no texture. If I see a woman with all her photos blurred or filtered, I make the judgement that she is incredibly insecure, and I am going to have to spend all my time fending off her self-insulting behavior. “I’m so fat. I’m so ugly.” Doing that is just exhausting. You don’t want an insecure man, and I don’t want an insecure woman.

Show who you really are on dating sites. Someone will love who you are, but they won’t choose you unless they actually see you, the REAL you.

