The phrase “Rape Culture” is really insulting to guys.

Anonymous Author
Advice for Women from a Guy
1 min readNov 4, 2018

I hear that sex on TV is evidence of Rape Culture. Making sexual jokes with your buddies is evidence of Rape Culture, and even looking at a woman’s butt is evidence of Rape Culture.

As a man, I get really offended when I hear that. It implies that because I watch TV, make sexual jokes, or look at women, I am therefore a rapist, and I resent that.

To me, “Rape Culture” sounds like a group of men meeting in a basement, rubbing their hands together maliciously and talking together about how much they love to rape, and planning their next raping together. That’s not a thing that men generally do.

I understand that women really, really, really hate being raped. That’s fine. But to call every man a rapist, to say that every man participates in rape culture just because he has a penis, that’s not nice. It’s not going to stop the bad guys, and it’s really offensive to the good guys.

A rapist lying on top of a struggling woman is not likely to stop and think “Hm, am I participating in Rape Culture right now? I should stop.”

If you really want to end rape forever, quit blogging and complaining and theorizing and postulating. Learn to defend yourself. If a man tries to rape you and you kick his ass, I guarantee he is not going to try it on you again. He will think twice about doing it to anyone else either.

