Why Am I Single?

Anonymous Author
Advice for Women from a Guy
2 min readSep 1, 2017

You can be the sexiest, most beautiful, kindest, funniest, smartest woman in the world and still be single.

Some of the ugliest, meanest women I know have boyfriends or are engaged.

It’s not that your standards are too high. It’s not that you’re too fat or ugly or have a bad personality or whatever. It’s because your mind and your heart are not set up for what you want. You don’t feel it’s possible.

First, you have to get rid of all the shitty emotions that are holding you back: feeling like deep down no one loves you and no one ever will. Some issues you had with your father. Your self-criticism of your body due to the supermodels you compare yourself to. I can’t really suggest any way to scoop out all those past emotions except by reading a book called the Sedona Method. It’s long and difficult to work through, but it is incredibly helpful and has changed my life for the better in many ways.

Second, you need to replace those shitty feelings about yourself with new, good ones. Use affirmations like “I am an attractive woman, and men find me attractive,” etc. Say that 20 times in the morning while driving to work. It’s true, right? You’ve had at least ONE man in your entire life find you attractive, and repeating this affirmation will only make the feeing of being attractive increase. If you program your mind and your heart in this way, you will become much more attractive to the opposite sex. I don’t care how beautiful and sexy you are, if you feel unattractive, you’re going to go on fewer dates and you’ll have experiences that continue to make you feel unattractive.

