Why Guys Care So Much About Looks

Anonymous Author
Advice for Women from a Guy
1 min readJun 18, 2018

I get it. You’ve seen the research: women go for things like personality and sense of humor, while men go for things like a sexy body, a beautiful face, a big butt, etc.

How could men be so shallow? Don’t they know beauty is only skin deep?

Here’s why, and I apologize for how men think, but you need to know the truth.

The Man Without a Penis

You most likely wouldn’t date a man without a penis. You could never have sex with him, because it’s just physically impossible.

Doesn’t sound very fun, does it?

Now let’s turn it around.

Do you think a man wants a woman he could never have sex with?

Because of the physical differences between men and women, she doesn’t need to be erect or aroused like a man does, and she can have sex without being attracted to her partner.

The man, however, is dependent on finding his mate attractive to achieve erection and orgasm. A man knows from a quick look whether or not he would be interested in, or even physically capable of, having sex with a woman.

You wouldn’t want a man who can’t have sex with you, who can’t even get it up because he doesn’t find you physically attractive. So when a man turns you down for your physical appearance, trust me, he is doing you a favor.

I’m sorry, but them’s the breaks.

You can complain about reality, or you can use it to your advantage.

Until next time :)

