Why Men Like Younger Women

Anonymous Author
Advice for Women from a Guy
2 min readApr 27, 2018

Once again, what I am about to say is terrible. But that doesn’t make it any less true.

Often women will be indignant when they see an older man with a younger woman. “Why can’t he date someone his own age?” they deride.

One thing I noticed when I reached my thirties: women in their twenties became attractive to me amost regardless of how they looked.

I noticed this because when I was in my twenties I would go to a party or gathering with other twenty-somethings. I would scope out the room (like any guy) and mayne find one or two women I’m interested in.

When I entered my thirties, I had some younger friends who invited me to a party where most of the attendees were ten years younger than me. All of a sudden, I found EVERY woman there attractive. And it wasn’t a model convention or something, it’s just that every woman there was significantly younger than me, and apparently that does something to a man’s sense of beauty. It wasn’t like a purely sexual thing, so much as a “Wow… she’s gorgeous.”

I’ve done some thinking as to why this could be, and I’ve come up with an answer that will shock and horrify you, and I apologize on behalf of all men.

Imagine you like crackers. Or grapes, or lettuce, or any type of food, processed or unprocessed.

Imagine yourself opening a brand-new package of that favorite food, and taking a bite. The crackers are so crisp and perfect, the grape is plump and sweet, and the lettuce makes that delicious, cold crunch when you chew it.

Feels good, doesn’t it?

Now imagine that you leave the cracker packaging open for a week. You leave the grapes in your fridge for two weeks. You leave the lettuce on your counter for a day.

When you go to eat the crackers, they are a bit chewy and no longer crisp. The grapes are a little bit deflated and have lost some of their flavor. The lettuce is limp and doesn’t crunch anymore.

All those foods are still edible, but the experience isn’t the same.

To a guy, being with a young woman is like opening the fresh package of crackers and biting down into crisp, flaky goodness.

Being with an older woman is like eating the same crackers when they are a bit stale.

I know this is terrible, and I apologize if this makes you feel insecure. I personally enjoy either older or younger women, but I would likely not seriously date a woman more than 3–5 years older than me, though I have seriously dated women 9 years younger.

Again, it’s not a sexual thing. Often older women are much sexier than young women. It’s more of a “wow, she’s gorgeous” type of sensation, which has to do more with romantic, lovey-dovet feelings than anything else. For a guy, those are two different sensations, and not to be confused with one another.

Until next time.

