Why Your Man Doesn’t Want To Get Married

Anonymous Author
Advice for Women from a Guy
2 min readOct 16, 2020

It’s a mystery: why won’t he marry you? You’ve been together for years. You’ve been dropping hints left and right. The pressure is on from your parents, and he says he loves you, but he just won’t propose. What is going on???

  1. He is afraid you will get fat.

This is the number one reason why a man is afraid to marry you. He has seen married couples, probably in his family, where the wife got married, and thinking she was set for life, just stopped taking care of her looks. All of a sudden, her husband who married a millon-dollar woman is now left with a $20 woman.

2. He is afraid you will stop having sex with him.

I read a book written by a counselor. In that book, he said the #1 most common complaint he received from married men is: “Doc, I’m just not getting any sex anymore.”

You need to understand: for a man, having sex is like eating or breathing oxygen. We need it, and not having sex becomes very, very uncomfortable for us. A man’t worst nightmare is to be married to a woman who won’t have sex with him, because

A. He has to lie next to a beautiful woman every night and get charged up because of that

B. He is not allowed to have sex with her

C. He is not allowed to have sex with anybody else either

It’s pretty much the same thing to a man as being a sexless virgin. Which is NOT a good thing for a man to be.

3. He is not ready for children

This is a big one. If a man does not want to get married, he probably does not want children right now.


It’s a very powerful persuasion technique to address someone’s unspoken objections. If you want your man to propose, then it is best to address the above 3 points:

Make sure he knows you are committed to staying in shape and attractive for your whole relationship together, not just until you have a ring on your finger.

Let him know that your body is his playground and is open for business 24/7, even decades down the road. A man will think, “free sex forever? Count me in!!!” But make sure you stay true to that promise. Otherwise, he will leave you and seek greener pastures.

Ask how he feels about children. Get his honest opinion, don’t argue with him, and just listen. Maybe by talking to you he will convince himself that he wants children.

Follow the above tips and you will hopefully gain a better understanding of what is going on inside your man’s head when he says he’s “not ready to settle down yet.”

