Women Have Unrealistic Expectations For Men, Too

Anonymous Author
Advice for Women from a Guy
2 min readDec 11, 2020

I get so sick of trying to be somebody I am not, just because women have this image in their heads of what a REAL man must be:

A real man is always confident, 100% of the time. Even a small lapse in confidence means the guy is not good enough, and you should look for a REAL man.

A real man protects his woman from other men

A real man provides for his woman, and is rich enough to do so. He works 80 hrs per week to make sure his family is provided for.

A real man wants children and is ready to be a father

A real man has no interest in other women and doesn’t even look at them

A real man initiates and does all the work, and ask for the woman’s phone number, and picks her up, and plans the fucking date. Because apparently women don’t want to be bothered with doing that???

A real man is big, strong, and muscular, and has tattoos and a beard.

A real man has a great sense of style and dresses well at all times.

A real man is over 6 feet tall, has 6-pack abs, and makes over 6 figures.

A real man drives an expensive car.

I am sick and tired of trying to live up to someone else’s expectations for me. I shouldn’t have to change who I am to get love.

I should be able to play computer games, wear t-shirts, and spend my time 3D printing things like I love to do, and still have someone who I love fall in love with me.

I don’t place any expectations on a woman like “she must be submissive and demure and must wear a cape” or shit like that. I like odd women. Anyways…

Rant over.

