How to Develop Taste

Brian J. Hertzog
2 min readMay 6, 2013

Expand Your Universe

Diversity is key. Developing taste means actually trying enough so you’re able to refine what you like and then articulate why. We learn from new ideas and sensations that expand the boundaries of possibility within our minds.

Developing taste requires exposure to both the worst and the mind-blowingly-awesome. Why do you like it? Ask yourself. When you do find something amazing, that’s great — but don’t stop there. Whether it’s literature, sushi, fine wines, the secret is to never stop exploring.

Get Lost

That’s how you develop taste. That’s how you transition your passions from a mere craft into a delicate art. If you love jazz guitar, be the Columbus or the Cortez of jazz guitar world. Sail off the charts and tell us all what treasures you find. We simply can’t sample all the wines, listen to every song, view every gallery, read the library, and sail all the oceans ourselves. That’s why taste is useful.

The mural that is life is dynamic. We shouldn’t try to paint the entire thing — rather we have the opportunity to paint one small dot as honestly and beautifully as possible. And if we just focus on our dot, collectively we’ll have a masterpiece.

Once you decide on an occupation, you must immerse yourself in your work. You have to fall in love with your work. Never complain about your job. You must dedicate your life to mastering your skill. That’s the secret to success and is the key to being regarded honorably. — Jiro Ono

Continue to develop your taste. We need your dot.



Brian J. Hertzog

Allocating time, energy, and attention, to the important things in life. Publishing ideas to inspire action. @bhertzog.