What Are You Searching For?

Life leaps, purpose, and finding your courage.

Celeste Cav
Advice to Younger Self
3 min readOct 27, 2020


At 17 I left.

I moved 9 hours away from home. My parents helped me pack up my stuff in their car, drove me the whole way, and dropped me off in my dorm.

At 19, I discovered who I was. It was not who society wanted me to be. So I packed up, and I left. I flew 8 hours across the world to a different continent and stayed there for a year.

At 20, I had my first real relationship. Then at 21, I came home.

Now I’m 24. My first relationship is over. My fresh start is cued up and ready. This time, I’m moving, but not to a new city. I’m moving to a new phase of life. Moving on, moving up, taking a leap.

Have you ever packed up your stuff in the car, and just started driving? Have you ever longed for something you weren’t even sure existed? Have you ever wished you could go the distance, wished you could prove yourself somehow?

Have you ever longed for something… something to come along that you cared about so deeply that it would call you to step beyond your fear?

Have you ever wished for something to jolt you out of your mundane, routine existence… shake you awake from the sedation of everyday life?

Have you ever wished there was something worthy of being courageous for? Have you longed for a cause worthy of devoting your life to?

So have I.

I used to wonder about this all the time. I used to secretly wish some tragedy would happen that would force me to be brave, force me to be strong so I could know what I was capable of.

I used to hide, scared, waiting for something to come along that would cause me to rise. I longed for the day I found that missing piece.

And what I learned is that thing doesn’t come descend upon you. Bravery doesn’t ever come find you. You find it. You choose it.

Adversity doesn’t create courage, it presents you the option to chose to be brave, or not. There is no event that cures you of your fear, no situation which can cause you to rise. Stepping up for yourself is a decision you make. It’s a decision you have to make. It's not a reaction in response to tragedy, it’s a proactive decision you can make every day, all the time. Or not.

Whether you’re going to use your courage, or not. Whether you’re going to take a chance, or not.

And, eventually, you find that missing piece. Eventually, you find that feeling of really being alive. You discover the cause worthy of devoting your life to. You discover who you are. You discover what you are capable of.

Then you can choose to step up, or not.

If you’re ready to find out for yourself, to find your own missing piece, get in touch.

