How to lose weight post-pregnancy

Advisor Healthcare
Advisor Healthcare
Published in
3 min readJul 27, 2015

Weight loss is never an easy process, especially when it comes to losing weight post pregnancy. But now that you’ve given birth to your baby, it’s time you devote yourself to a diet and exercise regiment to get rid of those extra kilos you had packed on during your pregnancy.

If you managed to gain somewhere around 10 kilos during your pregnancy, you need not worry much. It won’t take you more than a few months to get back to your old weight. However, if you were overweight before your pregnancy or you ended up putting on more weight than is normal during a pregnancy, it could take up to a year to shed off your weight. But don’t worry, our article will help you guide you towards an overall wellness which will not be in conflict with your hectic schedule as a new mommy.

  • Always, always remember to eat healthy. We don’t have to remind you that this includes a lot of green and leafy vegetables, as well as fruits.
  • Drink plenty of water. It is important to remain hydrated. Water also helps you lose weight. We’ve discuss this in previous article and you can read it here
  • If possible, eat 5 small meals a day. If not, then 3 big meals are enough.
  • It is important for you to eat more fiber-rich foods like beans, oats, grains, lentils, and pulses
  • Don’t forget to eat a little bit of starch daily as well. This can be in the form of bread (wholegrain) or rice.
  • If you feel hungry out of boredom, drink water instead and finish a few house chores. You can even take your baby out for a walk. This way you’ll get some exercise and your child will get a change of environment.
  • Breakfast is important and you should never, ever skip breakfast. Read more about it here
  • Eat smaller portions of meals, and avoid filling up your stomach with junk food in between meals. And soft drinks are a complete no-no

Of course, it’s very difficult for weight loss to happen if you’re only dieting. Exercising is important too but since you’re a new mommy, going out of the gym is out of the question. Lifting heavy weights at home is also not a good suggestion, especially for those who have never been to a gym before and don’t know how to handle weights

So then how do you go on about including physical wellness to your routine? Simple. Do some breathing exercises, along with Yog which is easy enough for beginners to do. Or, go for early morning or late evening walks/jogs/runs. They are the safest way for you to be physically active without hurting yourself.

Advisor Healthcare helps you to get personalized and specially designed diet plan from the experts and certified dietitian. You can choose dietitian as per your choice from our large pool of certified dietitan, have a chat/audio/video conference with them and share your progress and diet diary with them for better outcomes.

Originally published at on July 27, 2015.

