Importance of Proper Sleep

Advisor Healthcare
Advisor Healthcare
Published in
3 min readJul 27, 2015

There’s no denying the fact that sleep plays a vital role in the overall wellness of a human being. In fact, preventive healthcare often dictates patients to always get a good night’s sleep but sadly, not many of us pay heed to such advice. What most of us simply forget is that quality sleep is important because it apart from preserving your physical and mental health, it also plays an important role in your safety.

Healthy Brain Functioning

When you sleep, your brain prepares for everything that it has to do the next day. It helps form newer new pathways that will help you retain all the information that you’ve gained on that day. Studies have revealed that students perform better in their studies when they get quality sleep, as well as improved learning abilities. A proper sleep also improves your problem-solving skills, helps you make better decisions, become more focused and encourages you to be more creative.

Physical Health

Not many know that getting adequate sleep does wonders for one’s physical wellness. Did you know that when you sleep, your body repairs and heals your blood vessels? If you don’t sleep properly, your body won’t get proper rest. And this will reflect on you physically as well as mentally. People who are sleep deprived are more likely to have kidney problems, high BP, diabetes, obesity and strokes.

Daytime Performance

Any preventive healthcare doctor worth his salt will tell you that adequate sleep is important for proper functioning of the body. We really don’t need any studies and researches to show that people who feel sleepy during their office or school hours are lot less productive than their counterparts. They also take longer periods of time to make decisions, tend to make more mistakes and have a slower reaction time.


Did you know about microsleep? It refers to moments of sleep which are very brief in nature, which happen when you’re awake. It is not something that can be controlled and very often people are not even aware of going into microsleep. Imagine if you’re driving and suddenly fall in a microsleep. What do you think will happen?

But you don’t have to worry about solutions to your problems any more. Today, advancements in technology have made it possible for preventive healthcare to be made available at the push of a button. Our app ensures that your physical and mental wellness is looked after by the very best experts all over the country.

We, at Advisor Healthcare, are trying to solve some of the major health concerns for the masses. We are developing smart tools to track your sleep patterns in a very simple and intuitive way. This will help to take preventive measures at very early stages if your sleeping patterns are not on within the healthy patterns.

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Originally published at on July 17, 2015.

