Why breakfast is very important

Advisor Healthcare
Advisor Healthcare
Published in
2 min readJul 27, 2015

We understand that all of us have busy mornings — getting ready for office or school, or the most hectic job of them all — getting your husband and children ready for office and school!! This is why most Indians end up skipping their breakfast and compensate by eating a heavy dinner. But this is wrong and we’re here to tell you why a heavy breakfast is important for weight loss.


It’s a moot point but we’ll state it anyway — eating food in the morning provides your body with energy and fuel with which it can power your brain after spending hours on an empty stomach (when you were sleeping). Starting your day without breakfast is like running a car without petrol. And what happens when a car runs without petrol? Well, it can’t.

Nutritionists the world over have always maintained that it’s best to have breakfast within two hours of getting up. For a breakfast to be deemed healthy, it should provide 20–35% of your daily calorie intake.

Of course, the needs of people differ from person to person. A woman working at the office will not require as many calories as a child going to school. A gymnast or a sportsperson would require the maximum number of calories. However, it has been estimated that an average adult requires anywhere between 2000 and 2500 kcals of energy.

Cognitive functioning and Health Benefits

Eating in the morning restores your body’s glucose levels, which are important for the proper functioning of your brain. There have been numerous studies dedicated to showing how eating a healthy breakfast can improve concentration levels and memory, along with lowering our stress levels and making us happy. In children, eating a proper meal in the morning has showed improvement in grades as well.

Not only this, eating a balanced meal in the morning has long term health benefits as well by reducing high BP, diabetes, heart diseases and even weight loss.

The best way to enjoy breakfast is to enjoy it with your family. The earlier a good eating habit is inculcated in a child, the more chances are of them maintaining those habits throughout their lives. But of course, it’s never too late for adults to opt for a healthier lifestyle.

Originally published at blog.advisor.healthcare on July 24, 2015.

