You don’t need a website.

Kirsten Ulveland
Advisor Websites


We’ve all seen the good, the bad, and the ugly when it comes to sites on the web, and the bad and ugly seem to be plentiful. The indexed web has over 4.7 BILLION pages. Websites are for the big guys who can afford to pay a lot for sites that dominate Google every time someone searches. So what’s the point of even trying to stand out anymore, especially if you’re a small business owner? Here are the top 5 reasons why you really, really don’t need a website:

  1. You don’t need new business

More clients = more stress. You’ve been in business for 5, 10 even 20 years, right? You probably have enough clients by now, probably even too many to handle. You don’t need to attract any more people to find you.

  1. You’re making too much money

*ka-ching* Slow down Mr. Moneybags. *ka-ching*

  1. You don’t need to control the messaging around your business

Accountants, financial planners, fiduciary advisor… It’s all money management. Most people get the gyst of what your business is all about.

  1. You definitely don’t need to give your clients any support digitally

9–5 are the office hours for a reason!

  1. You don’t need to let everyone know how to contact you

See reason above, plus people share way too much these days.

Wait… Maybe you do need a website.

Websites aren’t for you, they’re for clients.

If you can’t tell by now, as daunting as it may be, you 1000% need a website. I tried, but come on, it’s 2017! All the reasons above are crazy, but sadly not far off from the truth when small businesses are asked why they don’t have a website. Most commonly overheard is, ‘we just don’t need one.’ But can you afford not to have one in this day and age? Let’s be clear websites aren’t a luxury anymore. They’re a calling card a presence that you have power over to bring in new business, and help your clients get what they want.

At the end of the day, for small businesses everywhere, websites aren’t for you, they’re for your clients. Let me run through a few situations that happen daily from a user trying to interact with you, or with a business like yours.

People are searching for your services, how will they find you without a website?

Picture this, you’re trying to find an accountant over tax season after moving to a new city… What do you do? Lug out the old yellow pages and start flipping through the ‘a’ section? No, this is not 1999. The logical — and now second nature — thing to do is pull out your smart-phone, and Google, ‘Accountants New York’ or ‘Tax Accountant New York’ or if you want to get really specific, ‘Tax Accountant New York for small business owners.’ But without a website, new clients who are literally searching for you/your services will never be able to connect.

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Just having a website isn’t enough, it’s need to be good.

And while we’re on the topic of connecting, what’s potentially even worse than the above scenario? Having a website, and not having your contact information easy to find, and easy to use. What do I mean by that? How many times have you found a website of a small business and want to contact them immediately?

It happens more often than you think, like when you want to make a reservation after browsing the menu of that new restaurant. Have you ever come across a contact page and seen the new restaurant’s phone number, but instead of being one click to call, you have to try and memorize the digits while you frantically switch between the call screen and your browser on your phone? Making the user not think is key to having new and existing clients find you, but also connect with you.

First impressions count, and now with how ingrained technology is in our day to day lives, your website is the new storefront. It’s got to be clean, clear, and inviting, however most importantly, it has to exist in order for people to go in.

Having no web presence, or a really horrible website, rings alarm bells in most people’s heads. Having a good website is like having the open sign switched on. No matter what time of the day, 24/7, there is information curated by you and your team to showcase your thriving business.

So you’re a small business, and maybe should get a website. What now?

Set some goals. No for real! You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take — right Wayne Gretzky? But you’ll miss 100% of the shots you take, if there’s no goal at all. Figure out what you’d like your site to do. Whether it’s bringing in more business or a place for clients to get information about you and your business, have a goal in mind first, and the process will be a lot easier.

Next set a budget. If you don’t have a website by now, chances are you and or your team are not equipped to take on a challenge. Educate yourself with the price points of what outsourcing a web development project will cost. It can be anywhere from $2000 — $20,000+ depending on the size, function, and design of the site. But like most expenses in business, think of a dependable website as an investment in future business opportunities.

Big takeaway, like if you get one thing from this article, websites matter, but more importantly well made and well laid out websites matter even more. They’re your business card, your brochure, your personal assistant and advocate for your business.

