Busy? Still, take care of yourself ❤

Grace H. Lin
Published in
5 min readOct 7, 2017

It seems like everyone and their mothers are working on a main gig and a side project these days (looking at you, Anthony :P ). Despite the stereotypes, millennials work more per week than any generation before us, and that’s only on their main job.

In the US, millennials work on average 45 hours a week, with nearly a quarter working over 50 hours (Manpower Group, linked above).

Take that, baby boomers.

Meanwhile, in college, there’s the infamous trifecta: sleep, grades, and a social life. Choose two of three, and sometimes, one of three. Not to mention, staying physically healthy and trying to figure out who you are.

Between everything going on in our professional/academic lives, trying to maintain a social life, and trying to get a side project off the ground, and whatever other two-hundred fifty six groups we are involved in, it’s hard to convince ourselves to take a break, or even go home at a regular hour.

I get it. If you don’t pitch this next VC, you might miss your big break. Or it’s that paper, how can I take an hour off to workout or sleep when it’s due tomorrow?

This is my cheat sheet for little things you can do to take care of yourself, even when you’re crunched for time.

Src: Alvaro Cabrera

Drink a large glass of water.

Most adults drink around 4–5 cups of water per day (in the U.S.), which is far under the suggested 8 cups a day. I usually drink even less when I’m really busy. Side effects of dehydration include dizziness and headaches. A single glass of water, 12% of your daily intake, makes a huge difference.

Take a walk around the block.

Src: http://dogsaholic.com/lifestyle/walking-your-dog.html

The nice thing about taking a walk is that you can walk for precisely the amount of time that you have, whether that’s 4 minutes or 20. Not only will a walk get your blood flowing and stretch out your back and shoulder muscles, a change of scenery will clear your head and help you look at whatever your working on with fresh eyes.

Phone a friend.

There isn’t much that boosts spirits more than hearing a friendly voice. Don’t wait until that meal you’ve been too busy to schedule to catch-up for a couple minutes. (You know, the longer you put off that meal, the more pressure you’re building up to make sure you remember everything you have to catch up on from the last seven months.) For all of the new ways to keep in touch with friends, nothing beats a phone call. It’s easy, more real-time than messaging, and unlike a video chat, you don’t need to look presentable. Better yet, combine 2 & 3.

Do some yoga.

Src: http://essentialyogaformen.com/

I recommend this practice, a quick 7-minute yoga set. Yoga is really nice because you can do it almost anywhere, in place, and it gets your blood flowing without making you sweat. You can do it indoors on days when it’s gross outside, or outdoors to get some fresh air. Also, yoga has a pretty decent stretching component, which I’m sure your limbs will appreciate after being cramped over a desk for hours. If you have a couple more minutes, this is a 15-minute set that’s really good at loosening up shoulders and neck muscles in particular.

Take a ten minute shower.

I’m not saying you don’t shower when you’re busy. Just saying that a couple extra minutes basking in the warm water can be incredibly relaxing.

Bonus tips: how to take care of someone else, when you don’t have time.

Give someone a hug, if they’re down for one.

Hugs and friends increase endorphins!

Bring them their favorite drink: Tea, coffee, hot chocolate, or just water.

Src: https://www.mariposacoffeecompany.com/news/5-ways-spice-your-coffee-fall

Building off of number 1 up there, hydration is great for staving off headaches, muscle tension, and the dreaded office cold. Extra points if the drink includes vitamin C!

Put together an easy going playlist full of inspiring or funny songs, or a high energy pump-up jam.

Something to listen to while they’re powering through work.

The classic cute animal pick me up.

It’s hard to not to smile at this, right?

Src: https://www.pinterest.com/explore/cutest-baby-animals/

Send over a quick gif of an adorable bunny or baby otter!

Write a note.

There’s something about an old-fashioned pen and paper note that helps people put their life on pause for a couple of seconds and remember what really matters. Notes are like little packages that capture a little bit of heart, forever. Each time you take them out to read them again, they’re just as special and rejuvenating as when you first read them.

Cheer someone on! Tell someone something you love and appreciate about them. A genuine, heartfelt note will bring happiness and warmth to the reader’s heart.

Welcome to Advo, just a little place on the internet where a group of millennials are trying to figure it out, and sharing any advice or questions or fears we discover on the way. Join us for the ride!

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If you’ve got the chance to take a little more time off…

Take care, everyone!



Grace H. Lin
Editor for

passionate about tech X media, climate change, education | @google | writer @advotoast | writer @ wp.me/P7rc1L-c