Nothing In Life Is Fair

Laura Annabelle
Advocating For Mental Health


Look I’m not completely fully saying that I have any right to be entitled or as selfish as I may sound and look but we all gotta take a look at other people’s lives. We need to take a moment to deeply listen to what someone else is going through.

I’m also not saying that my experiences and circumstances are more worth hearing and to be listed or labeled as the most or worst someone could experience or what no one would ever imagine someone going through. But in the end we need to be more empathetic, understanding of someone’s feelings and their story they have chosen to share with you.

People go through things you never believed was possible and things that you’ve never imagine nor wish upon anyone. We need to be that person for someone else that we wish someone was for us when we were misunderstood and mistreated.

In the moments where you feel misunderstood, treated poorly on any level, embarrassed and feel so ashamed even to share your story because of the shame, guilt and burden you carry with you every day; we need to remember that when someone has chosen to come to you or someone to share their story with you, give them that chance, that experience to be heard, to be seen as an equal and to be valued as a citizen and human being on this earth.

Because you think back to when someone gave you the chance, the experience to be heard, to be understood and treated the way they believed they should be treated because life should be fair and people should treat everyone equally and fairly.

But we have to come to terms that we don’t have as much control over all that we’d like to have. But in the end, we have to remind ourselves that we are all human and it’s compelrely human to be selfish and to feel any emotion. There’s no shame in feeling any emotion. If anyone ever does, likely odds are it’s one sign of many of “emotional abuse” a form of domestic abuse.

And something like domestic abuse comes in forms of:

  • Control
  • Physical Abuse
  • Sexual Abuse
  • Emotional Abuse & Intimidation
  • Isolation
  • Verbal Abuse: Coercion, Threats, & Blame
  • Using Male Privilege
  • Economic Abuse

And as well as these types of abuse:

These are all types of abuse and it’s daunting for many of us as we read each one!

And honestly I gotta also say that when you come across anyone, its good to keep in mind that you don’t know what they are going through, or anything about their backstory for a fact. Along with this quote:

We may be going through stuff of our own, but we gotta try our best to be mindful that other people have their own issues and stuff you wouldn’t wish upon anyone or even imagine. People act out because of trauma and their own home life and other areas of their lives that brought to the result of them acting differently than they did before the trauma or event happened.

Wouldn’t you want someone to treat you kindly and with these thoughts in mind? And for those mothers out there, wouldn’t you want your son and/or daughter to be treated the same way?

Wouldn’t you hope that the customers that your son and/or daughter talk to when working at part time jobs are kind to them, because I’m sure the mothers that they come to communicate with for the service at the company they entered into, would want to their own kids to be treated equally and fairly; but with kindness and all that I’ve covered above?

Though we may not have the kind of control we may want to have and to benefit by making certain scenarios easier for everyone else, we do have control over our own self. Our actions, choices, and everything else you can think of.

It’s a good thing to be mindful about:

Lead by example!

If you want the kind of change you are thinking or dreaming of, be the example. Be the change you wish to see in the world as quoted from Mahatma Gandhi!



Laura Annabelle
Advocating For Mental Health

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.