360 Video: It’s Everywhere!

Cara Covarrubias
Published in
3 min readJun 8, 2017
360 Content & Video in Your TV

360 content is continually and quickly being integrated to more of our everyday lives.

It’s a fact.

And we see it in different ways.

We see it in the rise of demand for 360 content and the increase of user-generated 360 content, both bolstered by the sudden affordability of 360 cameras.

We see it in the way more and more companies are leveraging 360 VR advertising and 360 video… companies that include the likes of Disney, Chick-Fil-A, Mercedes, Coca-Cola, and the list goes on!

We even see it in the way major tech companies like Google and Twitter are beginning to find more and more ways to bring 360 content to the mainstream.

And they’re succeeding.

A few weeks ago, Google announced during its I/O conference that their YouTube TV App will soon be able to support the streaming of 360 videos.

This opens the emerging technology of 360 content to people who own smart TVs, PS4s, and Xbox Ones.

On the heels of Google’s announcement, Twitter pushed ahead into the 360 sphere with news that it is upgrading their Apple TV app to be able to support live 360 videos.

According to TechCrunch, it’s the first app of its kind.

While 360 content can already be viewed by billions of consumers on smartphones, tablets, and desktops, moves like these help accelerate the growth and acceptance of 360 content by the masses.

Developments like these will continue to put 360 in the forefront of people’s minds and further cement 360 content as something that’s here to stay.

After all, the fact that 360 content is already available in the smartphone puts this within reach of millions of people all over the world.

And to make this technology available in the comforts of people’s own living rooms really shows that one day, we will be consuming content in 360.

This makes sense when we see the progression of how we view content.

First, came the black & white tv.

When color TV came, we never looked back.


Because we see the world in color.

And in the same way, we see the world in 360, enabling us to look in any direction and also, giving us context to what’s going on around us.

Does it then not make sense that 360 is here to stay?

Another benefit that will happen once 360 content becomes available in our own living rooms is that it makes 360 content more of a social experience.

Immersive technologies like 360 content and virtual reality are mainly seen as very individualistic due to the immersive factor.

But companies are beginning to develop new ways to make these new technologies something that would be easy to share with people and further connect us socially.

Finally, with 360 content available on more devices, it further encourages people to generate their own 360 content.

Not to mention that it will also show companies that this really is the time to invest in 360 VR advertising as people are beginning to be more familiar with this new way of consuming content.

This familiarity will further open the doorway to 360 VR advertising, eventually making it something that is natural and intuitive for people to use.

Therefore, now is not the time to wait for “further developments” as this will cause you to be left behind and lose your first mover advantage.

Timing is everything.

Originally published at Advrtas.



Cara Covarrubias
Editor for

360 & Virtual Reality Marketer. Website Geek. Passionate Writer.