4 Reasons Why Immersive Smart Ads Need To Be In Your Media Plan

Cara Covarrubias
Published in
5 min readAug 9, 2018

Original Post: https://advrtas.com/immersive-ads-media-plan/

You need AI Immersive Ads in your media plan.

After all, if Immersive Ads are the breakthrough to the ads of tomorrow, wouldn’t you want to have them on your media plan now before it’s too late?

If you read our previous post, you already know four reasons why Immersive Ads are better than video ads and display ads. Immersive Ads are user-friendly, produce better brand recall, are trustworthy, and they allow you to instantaneously optimize them with AI data.

With all these reasons, doesn’t it make sense that Immersive Ads need to be in your media plan? Here are four reasons why you absolutely must have this new ad technology that’s changing the world of advertising as we know it.

1. Immersive Ads Will Help You Learn More About Your Brand

What brand messaging resonates the most with your different target audiences? What kind of brand imagery garners the most clicks or the most interactions? Should your messaging change depending on what publisher you use? What type of ad format is most effective for a certain KPI?

These are common questions that brands and advertisers are always trying to answer. And did you know that Immersive Ads can answer these questions for youvery accurately, all while the campaign is still running?

AI Immersive Ads are capable of doing real-time optimization. Because of the 70+ data touch points collected by Immersive Smart Ads, brands can pinpoint what messaging works best for target audiences or what kind of imagery works to reach KPI goals. This data allows brands to reach the right audience the right way, enabling them to elevate the consumer-brand relationship in ways they weren’t able to before.

For example, in a recent ad campaign, our data showed what parts of the Immersive Ad worked best for people in just a week of running the ad. When the ad was optimized to leverage this information, the Immersive Ad’s interaction rate rose from 38% to an impressive 70%. Immersive Smart Ads serve as a great marketing research tool that will allow brands to achieve value and maximize their ad spend — all because of its optimization capabilities. Imagine that!

2. Immersive Ads Have Wide Reach

A question that people often ask about Immersive Ads is if it has reach. And the answer is yes!

Contrary to popular opinion, Immersive Ads can reach the same devices as video and display ads. That means it can reach any person who owns a smartphone, a desktop, or even a tablet. Considering that there are almost 2.7 billion people that own a smartphone as of 2018, and that there are also other desktop and tablet users in the world, you can reach more than 3 billion people worldwide! (View an Immersive Smart Ad of Mission Impossible here)

3. Immersive Ads Apply to Any Stage of the Consumer Funnel

Whether consumers are in the awareness stage, the interest stage, or even the conversion stage of the consumer funnel, Immersive Ads fit every step of the way.

With Immersive Ads, awareness about your brand is driven by engaging people with your brand and encouraging them to interact with it. Because an Immersive Ad has more space than traditional ads and responds to device motion, brands can put more content in an ad while still giving control to the consumer. This allows brands to educate consumers deeper than any other ad format, heighten their interest, and thus, push them into the next stage of the funnel.

Once a consumer is made aware of a brand, advertisers can leverage deeper and more engaging ad experiences by leveraging tools such as Immersive Web Apps, which are bigger implementations of Immersive Ads. When a consumer is hooked by an Immersive Ad, brands can lead them to an Immersive Web App experience on their website — allowing consumers to explore more of the site and products the brand has to offer. This opens a perfect opportunity for consumers to learn more about your brand and provides them with a reason to convert.

In the conversion stage of the funnel, brands can build ecommerce/shopping experiences using Immersive Technology to allow customers to experience products first-hand before actually buying the product! This further cements their decision to make a purchase and eventually, through the data gathered by an Immersive Smart Ad, brands can use this data to then retarget their now customer.

4. Immersive Ads are Cost Effective

While Immersive Ads have all these great benefits, what about the cost? Do all the advantages of Immersive Smart Ads outweigh the price? Is it practical for a brand to invest on Immersive Smart Ads and add it to their Media Plan?

Yes! When it comes to cost per click-thru, Immersive Smart Ads can cost 67% less than a display ad. When you compare it to a cost per view of a pre-roll ad, Immersive Ads can cost 85% less! In other words, Immersive Ads are cost effective and they deliver a higher ROI than video or display ads.

But what about creating the 360 assets for an Immersive Ad? Doesn’t that cost money too, especially with the equipment and the editing software required? The good news is that with Immersive Ads, brands are able to leverage traditional 2D assets while still making an ad that is interactive and engaging. This means that you don’t need to shell out extra money for new equipment, new editing software, and you can leverage what you have now! Not to mention that Immersive Ads also work with your existing ad channels, meaning that you don’t have to find or set up a different ad channel to work with your Immersive Ads. So for a higher quality ad format, you get a higher ROI without having to create new assets or find new ad channels.

With that being said, since Immersive Ads leverage the creative assets you have now, it won’t really take much for you to add it to your media plan (or even to convince your boss to add it to your media plan). After all, who doesn’t want an ad that garners high interaction rates, allows you to learn more about your brand (while also increasing brand recall), reaches a wide range of audience, while being cost-effective? All of this without you having to rehaul everything you have. Really, Immersive Advertising is a perfect fit for your media plan and we would love to walk you through it!

So what are you waiting for? Leverage Immersive Ads today!



Cara Covarrubias
Editor for

360 & Virtual Reality Marketer. Website Geek. Passionate Writer.