Jettison CRM hodgepodge through a customer relationship management software developer

AE Technology Group
AE Technology Group
2 min readJul 25, 2013
customer relationship management

What’s “CRM hodgepodge”? Just look at your computer desktop and applications folder. If your customer management relations software (CRM) is an eclectic conglomeration of applications you use to run your business — you know what they are: email, customer databases, spreadsheets — you have a hodgepodge of CRM solutions.

As your enterprise matures, your IT solutions undergo a sort of “middle-aged spread.” Over time, all that out-of-the-box computer software has been nurtured and tamed, but your product is more dependent on what your individual applications can put out, rather than what you need to totally manage the big picture.

The solution is not “out of the box” software applications

Actually, in one respect you definitely need to go “out of the box” — as in “thinking out of the box” — for a CRM solution that is all about your business. You need the services of a customer relationship management software developer whose focus is not on limitations but on how an application can be molded around your CRM requirements.

Look to the cloud

Your CRM solution no longer has to involve buying boxes of software with the attendant growing pains, bug fixes and learning curve. The only infrastructure you need nowadays is access to the Internet.

So the notion of “user friendly” suddenly drops the caveat “depending on the user.” That means that no special expertise and knowledge of coding or tweaking of the behind-the-scenes software is required. In fact, you should not even have to download any software at all.

Merge your existing data

What is required, however, is that you don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater when you implement a customized CRM solution. The “baby” is all your data you’ve gathered in places like Outlook and MS Office. It’s not so much a transition as a seamless merging of the things you used effectively, but less efficiently, in the past.

So if you’re seeking a CRM software solution that takes advantage of open-sourced programming with a robust customer portal, great add-ons and can plug you into all the advantages of the cloud, contact us. Interested in a free trial, or more information? Go to our CRM information page.

