Let us introduce you: Steffy Stojanow

This week we are taking a look into the daily routine of our Head of Marketing and Operations — Steffy

AE Ventures
AE Ventures
4 min readAug 27, 2019


Short introduction: who are you and what do you do at AE Ventures?

My name is Steffy Stojanow and I am the Head of Marketing and Operations at AE Ventures. With my team, we take care of the internal processes in the company and also manage our public image, communication, and social media.

How does your working day at AE Ventures look like for you?

There are really no two days alike at the moment esp that I am 7 months pregnant. :)

I am not an early bird, so I check all my emails and correspondence in the morning from home while having coffee and breakfast. Usually, I am at the office around 10:30 and catch up with my colleagues and tasks. There are no fixed working hours at AE Ventures and everyone is free to leave when they have finished their tasks, which is one of the great things about working here. I feel so much more productive and focused when I know I don’t have to mandatory sit until 6 pm. This could also mean that the workday never finishes especially when we have a discussion on Wire or prepare the next Starfleet Accelerator.

At the moment I am trying to take one day per week as home office and enjoy a slower pace. The exact day depends on the mood of my new little master. :)

Steffy Stojanow during MarketingX conference 4 months pregnant

What inspires you to work at AE Ventures?

There are so many things that inspire me daily at work. From the freedom to follow your own pace and define your work style to seeing the impact, we are having on the blockchain ecosystem. In the past year, we have worked with amazing teams from all over the world who were inspiring me to give even more, to continue changing the world. Promoting the tremendous potential of the Balkans when it comes to high quality projects with meaningful ideas and hard-working teams is also one of the high points of my job.

On the first day of Starfleet 2 Accelerator Program

What is your favorite part of the job?

That definitely is the first day of every Starfleet accelerator when I get to meet the selected teams in person or on Whereby. It is so interesting to hear their stories, what inspired them to create the project and how they are changing the world with Blockchain. The energy in the room is absolutely amazing and everyone is super excited to get to work! Oh yeah, and there is a big welcome dinner at the end of the day! :)

What is your favorite way to wind down? How do you recharge?

I can stay in work mode for a full day but once I get out, I really try to be out and not check my emails and chats. The best way to restart for me is by exercising. I love going to the gym or to yoga class after work and getting all the stress out. In the evening I love to go out for dinner and watch movies after that. And travel of course, as much as possible . I love going on an adventure somewhere without much internet — like safari, desert etc.

Stuck in the mud on a safari trip with National Geographic team

If you had to choose one place to travel to, where would it be and why?

Italy, no question about it. I love how diverse the country could be — from the city noises and shopping opportunities of Milan to enjoying a slower-paced life in Sicily, Puglia, and Tuscany. What is there not to love about this country — food is amazing, wine is divine and nature can surprise you every time with its beauty.

Which individuals, living or dead, would you like to eat dinner with the most and why?

I would love to organise a girls dinner with Sara Blakely (founder of Spanx and my guru!), Chiara Ferragni (the most influential blogger of all times), Tiffany Haddish (the craziest, funniest comedian alive) and Diana Vreeland — who I would love to hear talk about contemporary culture and how the fashion industry is driven by influencers. Chiara can take us to a nice Italian place and we will drink all their wine!

What is your secret talent?

Putting things in order. I hate disorder and lack of planning. I live for tables, master plans and that is what I do best at work — putting plans into action tables and calendars.

What superpower would you like to have?

Pausing the time so I can have more naps :)

What is your favorite emoji?

The one that slaps its face️️ and the rock’n’roll fist sign.


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AE Ventures
AE Ventures

AE Ventures is an investment company providing initial funding, acceleration, and advisory support to blockchain startups. Also running Starfleet accelerator