Starfleet — the success stories of blockchain startups part 1

Introducing you to CryptoTask — the Upwork on Blockchain

Ellie Geo
AE Ventures
3 min readDec 18, 2019


Cryptotask presenting on æternity Universe One Conference, Prague 2019

One of the second batch Starfleet alumni, CryptoTask, is the long-awaited cure for the freelancing, a trillion-dollar industry that is suffering due to the immense fees for both freelancers and employers, limited task size values and biased disputes.

This is Ivan pitching on Demo Day of Starfleet 2, Sofia 2019

Here is what Ivan Nanut, the decentralized project’s CEO, shared with us freshly.

Q: Introduce yourself and the project in a few words.

I: My name is Ivan, CEO of CryptoTask, a decentralized task-oriented freelancing market aiming to connect freelancers and employers all around the globe. To be clearer, I’d say this is Upwork on Blockchain.

Q: I’d like to know how you got into this?

I: Oh ok, that’s an interesting story. Back then, I was a freelance mobile app developer and worked solely with American clients. About 6 years ago, we crossed paths with Vedran (the other co-founder) in Zagreb. He was one of the few people in Croatia who were already into the Blockchain technology… and who owned the first Bitcoin ATM on the Balkans. I was his client (smiling :)). We suddenly started discussing the frustrations of today’s freelancing world and what are the possible solutions… and this is how CryptoTask was born.

Vedran explaining the tech part of the Cryptotask project, Sofia 2019

Q: How do you use Blockchain to make the world a better place and how your project is changing the status quo?

I: By the implementation of Smart Contracts, CryptoTask automatically becomes highly scalable, unlike Upwork, Fiverr and others that hire hundreds of people to review each candidate’s application, resolve disputes, etc. This allowed us to lower the fees by 10 times and still registering revenue and, meanwhile to make freelancers happy with the payment they get.

Q: What are the biggest milestone you’ve reached so far?

I: I’m super glad to declare we recently acquired the — one of the largest Eastern European freelancing platforms (with over 20K active members) so we are officially the biggest blockchain-powered freelancing platform on the globe. Pretty big thing!

Q: Wow…and what’s next?

I: Our top priority is to polish the platform as right now it doesn’t have full functionality. However, I’m satisfied with what we’ve managed to do for about 2 months after the first funding round. Then we’ll deploy on æternity Mainnet so all tasks will be written on Blockchain.

Q: Looks like an exciting time ahead of you! Wish you luck!

I: Yeah, it is, we’ll make sure to enjoy every single step of the process. Cheers!


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