Top 8 Blockchain and crypto movies you need to watch this autumn

AE Ventures
AE Ventures
Published in
5 min readOct 19, 2018

It’s been 10 years since the original creation of Bitcoin and we want to celebrate it with a little series of informational but cool articles regarding the crypto and blockchain sphere.

As temperature drops and the autumn is knocking on the door, bringing rain and cozy weekends in bed, we decided to start our series with updating your watch list and give you the 8 best blockchain/crypto/Bitcoin related movies.

So if you want to gain a bigger understanding on what is Bitcoin and why it happened, or you want to educate your significant other (or mom?!) on the topic so he/she stops asking you “what was Blockchain again”… these are the movies to turn to.

Get some popcorn and enjoy watching!

1: The rise and rise of bitcoin (2014)

Oldie but a goldie! The rise and rise of bitcoin covers the stories of some of the main early adopters of bitcoin. One of them is Gavin Andresen — he communicated directly with Nakamoto and helped better the technology.
Overall one of the bigger productions covering main points in creation of bitcoin and the assets around it.

Full movie:

2. Banking on Bitcoin (2016)

Is similar to the Rise and Rise of Bitcoin, but some of the stories and cases covered are more developed in time and you can witness their outcome. For example the arrest of Charlie Shrem — the creator of Bitinstant. He was blamed of conspiring to launder 1M $ through the then blooming — Silk Road.

Early adopters make the roads that we all travel. The first guy through the door gets shot. But somebody’s gotta go through the door.’

YouTube — full movie:

3. Bitcoin Big Bang: l’improbable épopée de Mark Karpeles (2018)

Bitcoin Big Bang covers the story behind Mt. Gox — a bitcoin exchange based in Tokyo, that at one point was responsible for 70 % of all bitcoin transactions worldwide. It operated between 2010 and 2014 when the exchange suffered a hack attack and lost over 450K worth of bitcoin. CEO Mark Karpelès was arrested, but after a year he was released for lack of evidence. Mark is now free and reveals his side of the story.


4. Trust Machine: The Story of Blockchain (2018)

As almost a decade has passed, a lot of things have happened in the crypto world. Various different cryptocurrencies have been created — probably a small percentage of them are going to survive after the dust settles. In some parts of the world people are actually applying and using cryptocurrencies as a way of paying for goods. Exchanges and other services to support the industry have been created — and they are facing problems that no one has ever dealt with before.

coming out: 26 of October,2018

5. Bitcoin: The End Of Money As We Know It (2015)

The movie has been described as a concise and informative crash course about Money and Crypto Currencies. A bit old already, it shares a fundamental insight into the idea behind Bitcoin.

Full movie:

6. Deep Web (2015)

Narrated by the Keanu Reeves himself this documentary sheds light on a darker part of the internet. The movie is about Silk Road –the first marketplace of this kind where you could pay with Bitcoin, and its mysterious leader — Dread Pirate Roberts. When the scope of Silk Roads traffic became too big to become unnoticed authorities came in. The movie shows how police enforcement approached the arrest and take down of the 29 years old creator of Silk Road — Ross William Ulbricht.

“Deep Web” movie poster


7. Inside Job (2010)

This film is not directly about Bitcoin or blockchain, but it’s a good foundation and a must watch. The actions covered in the documentary are one of the biggest reasons Bitcoin came to the world in the first place — so we could have a currency that could not be manipulated, controlled or corrupted by any government. In this spectacular movie you can get an explanation on how did the financial crash of 2018 happen. Even if you don’t understand the concept of credit swaps Inside job approaches the deconstruction of the financial meltdown understandably enough.


The movie can be found on Netflix:

8. Magic Money: The Bitcoin Revolution (2017)

What is Bitcoin and how it could change the society? These and many more related questions are explored in this documentary. The language is easy to understand and describes with simple terms the formation of the first global form of digital currency. Overall, a movie you can watch with your mom..


Which Bitcoin/crypto/ blockchain movies do you like?

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AE Ventures
AE Ventures

AE Ventures is an investment company providing initial funding, acceleration, and advisory support to blockchain startups. Also running Starfleet accelerator