Top 8 reasons to apply for Starfleet batch 2019

A startup accelerator powered by æternity Ventures

Ellie Geo
AE Ventures
6 min readJan 25, 2019


Last year æternity Ventures launched Starfleet — an accelerator for early-stage blockchain startups for the first time. In 2018, we invested in 8 startups which now are working on their projects and on their way to implement. (Read more about the projects in the æternity Ventures blog post HERE.)

The time has come for the new wave of exciting ideas, interesting projects, and motivated teams! We are extremely happy to announce that the applications for the second Starfleet are OPEN NOW. 🚀🚀🚀

If you have a good idea, and you want to use Blockchain technologies in the development of your product or service; if you are passionate about this idea and you can offer a better (in any way) solution to an existing problem and your team, no matter how small, shares your enthusiasm, then you should also consider taking part in the Starfleet 2019. The application deadline is 17th February, so don’t wait too long.

Here are 8 more reasons why you should participate:

1. Get inspired

Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

In a TV ad by Apple that aired over 20 years ago there was a powerful and inspiring message:

The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.

Inspiration can be found in all kinds of places and it can hit you at any point in time but taking part in a Blockchain accelerator program can definitely boost your inspiration and motivation. Writing down your idea is clearing out your vision. Working on it together with your team is nothing but empowering. One of the greatest satisfactions for every entrepreneur is to see their idea taking shape and reaching out the first milestones. Be crazy enough to think you can change the world and dare to chase your dreams.

2. Turn your idea into a real business

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Alright, you have now your idea laid down in a draft business plan, you have the basic structure of your business model BUT you have to be ready to take an action. Starfleet will definitely help you out with this.

The idea of the program is to be action-orientated so you can shape your idea, craft a realistic action plan, roll up your sleeves and get ready for action. Applying for Starfleet can also be useful for you as a barometer of the feasibility of your idea. If your application is approved, you will definitely be a step closer to turning your idea into a real business.

3. Money

So far so good. Your idea is promising, you managed to make a killer application, and you are ready to be a future Blockchain entrepreneur… but you need an initial capital. Here is the best part — we can help you with this.

In Starfleet batch 2019 five teams will be selected for an investment offer. Each team can receive up to $100 000 in form of AE tokens or services. Imagine what a kickstart would that be for your startup company!

4. Experience

Photo by Daria Nepriakhina on Unsplash

If you are anything like me you will continue learning your entire life. And learning by doing is the best way to learn. Why don’t you speed up the process and instead of bootstrapping through building a business all by yourself, you rely on credible advisors with huge experience in different areas — business development, Blockchain, go-to-market strategy, marketing, legal, etc.?

Experience is crucial for all kinds of endeavors and Starfleet is an experience that will be of tremendous help to you and your team. If you apply for the program, and you are selected, you will be enjoying the benefits of gaining experience for your future business — develop the strengths and work on the weaknesses.

5. Mentorship by experts

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

Learning by doing is the best way to learn, but the wisest thing you can do is to learn from the mistakes of others. This is where the immensely helpful role of the mentors comes in. Think of it as a fast-track to success.

During the Starfleet program, the startups will be guided and advised by industry experts in all relevant areas. The workshops will be tailored to the needs of the specific project. Take an advantage of the experts’ experience and build a bulletproof business strategy.

6. Networking

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

During the week-long training called The Genesis week (kicking off on 11th March in Sofia, Bulgaria) you and your team would not only learn and practice but also get to know other teams.

Being in the right environment is setting the base for the right outcomes. In the previous Starfleet, some of the teams partnered with others and mutually benefited from this. Your fellow Starfleet “classmates” are most likely experiencing similar hardships and are most likely having a different approach to the problems. In addition, you can win yourself new friends with similar interests who will support you at this early stage of development of your business, root for you, and share the excitement of your success.

7. æcosystem

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

Networking during Starfleet is one thing, but networking after the intense learning program is THE thing! Participating in Starfleet is a huge plus for the further development of your company from a community point of view.

æternity has ambassadors all over the world. The ambassadors are individuals who are passionate about open source & Blockchain technology. They are supporting the development of the local ecosystem and grow the community. You have the chance to join the international network of people and be part of the æternity ecosystem, or as we call it: the æcosystem.

Additionally, we are organizing and partnering for the organization of many Blockchain events worldwide, to some of which you can get free access and network for yourself.

8. Sofia vs. home

Photo by Alexandr Bormotin on Unsplash

You can come to take part in Starfleet in person, here in Sofia, or you can choose the convenience of your office — you decide.

The entire program of the Genesis Week will be streamed online in real time. Thanks to the modern technologies, you will be able to watch lectures live, ask questions, and follow the workshops together with the teams on spot. The remote experience will be as good as your internet connection allows.

If you have been in Sofia already, you probably have noticed that there are quite a lot of things going on around here. The city is home of many tech companies, hosts numerous Blockchain events, hackathons, crypto seminars and meetups.

Sofia is becoming a Blockchain hub and will be happy and honored to host you here! With its ancient history (artifacts of civilization date back as early as 1st millennium BCE!!!) the city offers rich cultural experience. Moreover, the food is amazing, and the people are super friendly. :)

Intrigued? Apply here:

I am sending my best wishes 🍀🍀🍀 to all brave teams who hit the “Submit” button on the application form. Fortune favors the brave, they say.

It takes 10 seconds to clap to 50! 👏👏👏 Why don’t you give it a try?

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