Two new strategic partnerships announced

AE Ventures
AE Ventures
Published in
4 min readJul 2, 2018
CEO of æternity Ventures Nikola Stojanow with the team at Comrade Cooperative

In an effort to further develop an ever expanding blockchain ecosystem, aeternity Ventures is proud to announce two new strategic partnerships with Trakia Tech and Comrade Cooperative. We strongly believe that collaborations such as these are the key to achieving our common goals.

Joining forces with Comrade Cooperative

The Comrade Cooperative and æternity Ventures have also created an alliance for strategic partnership in the field of developing innovative blockchain projects. Founded only six months ago, the Comrade Cooperative is quickly becoming a talent powerhouse for real life applications of decentralized technologies. Comrade aims to be the first fully functional example of a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) governed on the blockchain. The framework they are building, called Wetonomy, will give teams, companies and organizations the ability to collaborate, share profits, finance ideas and award contributions, all governed by the transparency of smart contracts on the blockchain. The partnership is also structured in an innovative way to facilitate the funding of other early stage businesses.

Todor Kolev, head Chairman of the Comrade Cooperative said, “We are excited to have Aeternity Ventures as a partner, representing one of the new major blockchain projects with a strong presence in Bulgaria. Together we will work towards our shared goal to conceptualize, build and invest in the organizations of the future.”

Nikola Stojanow, CEO of aeternity Ventures added: “Comrade is an important initiative which is not only innovative but also driving the ecosystem. The teams around Todor Kolev have great technical minds to guide them and are focusing on important issues that need to be addressed, like finding alternative ways for financing early-stage ideas.”

Teaming up with Trakia Tech

Based in Plovdiv, the center of the Bulgarian Thracian Valley, Trakia Tech’s platform for sharing technology and knowledge is on a mission to digitally transform manufacturing, finance and other traditional industries. Trakia Tech and aeternity Ventures are partnering up to find use cases of aeternity blockchain technology in these traditional industries and in everyday life. After an initial incubation period, while Trakia Tech discovers and formulates teams and use cases, aeternity Ventures will further collaborate with them to find financing, legal support, business development and technological support. Open Source projects and apps for the future of society are going to be the initial and ongoing focus of this partnership. Trakia Tech will take on the task of organizing an educational program to enhance people’s skills for the future including both soft skills and digital technology in their region while aeternity Ventures will sponsor events and initiatives to reach our common goals.

Nikola Stojanow, CEO of aeternity Ventures explained, “We find that Trakia Tech is a natural partner in our ecosystem to educate, inspire and to help find commercial realization of ideas using blockchain technology.”

Georgi Stoeff, Chairman of the Board of the Trakia Tech Foundation commented, “We are happy to attract such a significant player in the blockchain world to help us grow the local ecosystem.”

Todor Kolev from Comrade Cooperative (third left to right) and Ivan Dzheferov from Trakia Tech (fourth left to right) as part of the jury at æternity Starfleet DEMO DAY

Last weekend, the heads of these two new partner organisations, Todor Kolev and Ivan Dzheferov, joined us as part of the jury for the Demo Day of the aeternity Starfleet Incubator for blockchain startups. We look forward to seeing how these exciting new partnerships aid in the expansion of a more transparent and decentralized future world.

æternity Ventures exists to support ambitious blockchain projects through strategic funding and expert mentorship. We grow projects that use the æternity blockchain platform. This secure technological platform allows for a large number of blockchain transactions to be carried out simultaneously and specializes in the creation of intuitive mobile applications, facilitating user friendly “smart contracts”.

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AE Ventures
AE Ventures

AE Ventures is an investment company providing initial funding, acceleration, and advisory support to blockchain startups. Also running Starfleet accelerator