Women in Blockchain

Blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies have the potential to radically alter the world’s economy. But could they also upend inequality?

Ellie Geo
AE Ventures
4 min readAug 17, 2020


Did you know there are currently less than 5% of women in Blockchain? And that this number was even worse lower a few years ago.

Luckily, with the amount of information available today, times have changed and women are becoming an important part of the Blockchain sphere. Here are our top 8 reasons why YOU should join the industry as well, even if you still don’t really understand what Blockchain is!

  1. Women naturally have the ability to keep going back to the fundamentals, which is considered to be a great approach to learning and fostering innovation. We can see things from different perspectives and have diverse minds — something very well needed on the way to applying Blockchain in different industries.
  2. We are great community builders. The industry is full of ecosystems, crypto communities, and networking that drive business and people together. As women tend to be looking to bond and connect with like-minded individuals, this is a great way to attract more female presence that would be inspired to join the Blockchain sphere.
  3. Nowadays more and more women hold leadership positions in the Blockchain industry than in Silicon Valley for example. Some of the major crypto companies own their success to half of their employees being women. This is a great positive shift towards female leadership, as the more women are involved in the industry, the more would feel inspired to join as well too. However, the overall female presence is just 5% globally, which is why the industry needs all that creative, entrepreneurial mindset you got!
  4. There are already a number of projects, events, and meetings all around the world that make it easier for women to understand and integrate themselves in the industry. From crypto trading, through blockchain investments, to just networking brunches, there is something for each taste and level, that aims to bring women entrepreneurs together into that sphere. So, next time you are doubting if that is something for you, go to a meetup with the local ecosystem to see how open and cool everyone is!
  5. And if you are still thinking this industry is all about guys like in The Wolf of Wallstreet, women actually make Blockchain more accessible to other women and — relax — men don’t mind it at all! In fact, in India the majority of crypto investors are women, who are trying to inspire even more to join — after all, we can’t let men get all the wealth again, right?
  6. Speaking of wealth, including women in the industry will create a more even distribution of wealth and increase female involvement in the field of computer science. In addition, that means ensuring we are represented within such a rapidly growing industry too. With the tendency to increase with 13% by 2026 and given there will be 1,000,000 more programming jobs than there will be trained coders by this year, learning a new skill doesn’t seem that bad, especially when the annual salaries can range from 60 000–102 000 Euros.
  7. And because we are not only limited to coding — Blockchain is an emerging technology that can scale so many different industries — retail, fashion, hospitality, real estate and the list goes on. It can be utilized to help fight global issues such as human trafficking, ensure transparency in donating to organizations or the food supply chain. There are countless options to choose from and regardless of your current industry, you can always learn how Blockchain influences and improves it, so you can do too.
  8. Women make the world better by investing in Blockchain. We invest in projects we believe in, the ones we think would make the world a better place. In contrary to men, who invest in cryptocurrency for financial gain, women invest in Blockchain they find value in. More specifically, we are concerned about issues with food production, carbon footprints, and healthcare. As this technology is designed to promote transparency, equality, and inclusion and has a way to revolutionize how we deal with such issues, it can only turn into a “chick magnet” in the future, for sure.

We believe we managed to spark your interest with these top 8 reasons to join our industry full of innovation. It is truly fascinating to be shaping the future, and we hope to be doing that with you soon!

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