A Political Polarization Quiz… I Bet You Won’t Pass


Alex Guanga
2 min readSep 26, 2017


The International Day of Peace is this Thursday, September 21st, and in case you haven’t noticed, we aren’t exactly solving violent conflicts issues with peace. From the macro and micro problems of the world, we are at fault when we religiously follow certain beliefs. Sadly, we label people with the worst adjectives. Worse, we cut these people off before we have a chance to hear more of their beliefs.

However, solving the macro-issues will take time. Also, these issues have a lot more communication and transaction costs than the micro issues. And solving these macro-issues won’t have an immediate personal impact. You’re entitled to your own beliefs, but when we label the other side as evil or corrupt, there’s an issue there.

The power behind democracy is that it embodies diversity.

We are not ridiculed or punished for believing that we should have a more market-based economy, or for thinking that healthcare should be universal. But currently, we are shouting and screaming without seeking some common ground with the other political side.

Well, because we are too busy shouting, we are unaware that we have more in common than we think with friends, relatives, colleagues, or neighbors who you think are nuts because they don’t hold the same set of beliefs as you.

  • The media makes the situation worse because they are pushing their own agenda.
  • Social media aggrandizes our issues because they can make bigger headlines.
  • Politicians devise their strategies using these differences. They use fear of what the other side might do instead of advocating conversations.

So, where am I going with this?

We can use social media the same way they do. With the power of Instagram, Nonviolence International New York and ÆFocus has devised a slideshow/game with hopes to show you that there are similarities between both parties. Bipartisan will help up move forward.

For more instructions on the game, Polarization Quiz — Explanation

For the Instagram slides, ÆFocus

But we need your help. The same way your headlines spread through social media, we need you to spread this campaign. Share it through social media.

And USE the hashtag #MakeAmericaPlay


If so, I suggest following my Instagram page. I post summaries and thoughts on a book that I have and am currently reading.

Instagram: Booktheories,

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AND if you liked this article, I’ll appreciate it if you click on the like button below. THANKS!

For more information head over to ÆFocus



Alex Guanga

Data Engineer @ Cherre. Mets die-hard. Hip-hop junkie.