As we have announced in a previous notice, aelf plans to burn 393,226,908 ERC-20 ELF deposited through the Mainnet swap. Now we are pleased to let you know that the burning has been completed and the burning record is as below:
- Total number of ELF ERC-20 burned: 393,226,908
- Transaction ID: 0x3fe71785f0700dfa6857102c302f53f2e686e787034b6a6af8fa38d4a643c94f
- Burn address: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000aedead
Going forward, aelf will continue to update the community on the progress of the ELF ERC-20 token burn and invite global users to witness and oversee these developments.
Stay connected and engage with the aelf community on Telegram and Discord: