aelf Achieved in-depth Cooperation with the Chinese Government

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2 min readMay 24, 2021
From left to right: Haobo Ma — CEO of aelf, Weimin Zheng — research fellow from Tsinghua, Keqiu Li — Director of the Innovation Center

Tianjin, China. (May 24th, 2021) — Last week, aelf was accredited by the Tianjin Blockchain Technology Innovation Center on its competent performance and its professional features. The inauguration of the Innovation Center cemented and mediated the partnership between aelf and the Chinese government, which will allow both parties to work more closely on the blockchain infrastructure development in China.

On May 21st, Tianjin City Government announced aelf Enterprise as its first and the only blockchain infrastructure during its New Generation Innovation and Development Forum. Since blockchain became a part of China’s Development Strategy in 2019, the Tianjin Municipal Government has focused on moving forward with the employment of the Innovation Center and the blockchain business ecosystem. aelf has been enthusiastically responding to national calls and actively carrying out related work. The announcement undoubtedly confirmed aelf’s efforts in a long run.

During the opening ceremony, Weimin Zheng, a research fellow from the Tsinghua University, highly approved aelf Enterprise in its techniques and stated his commitment. He said, “aelf provides a distinguished solution to the most intractable problem the whole blockchain industry is facing. aelf Enterprise is well-reputed in its capabilities of providing well-rounded security, technology, and scalability support.”

China has been pinpointing the blockchain as an imperative national strategy and vigorously promoted the development of blockchain technology. “As the country advocated and implemented blockchain technologies from the lines of finance, supply chain, and government affairs, aelf has been actively playing the two-way critical role of a technology exploration. In the future, aelf will excel in innovation, real-life application, and the human capital in the blockchain industry”, said Haobo Ma, CEO of aelf.

About Weimin Zheng:

Zheng Weimin is a well-known scientist in supercomputing, a Nature author, a member of China Engineering Academy, and the director of High-Performance Computing Institute at Tsinghua University. His expertise in AI and neuromorphic computing helps extend the blockchain capabilities and support better auditability.

About aelf:

aelf is a prestigious public blockchain headquartered in China. aelf provides a high-speed open infrastructure for users and developers around the world. aelf innovated in the cross-chain collaboration mechanism, elegant multi-level side chain system, and unlimited expansion capabilities. aelf owns and can seamlessly connect with the existing ecology that is safe, efficient, autonomous, stable, easy to use, and transparent.

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