AELF Development Progress Report (June 17th — June 23rd)

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2 min readJun 24, 2019

Highlight: Completed consensus LIB Optimization and sync state evaluation

Last Week’s Progress Update (Jun 23, 2019)


- [Completed] Consensus LIB Optimization

- [Completed] Stability optimization: CPU usage is too high

- [Completed] Stability optimization: Solving the problem, sidechains occasionally cannot be verified by mainchain

- [Completed] First version of native machine parallel processing

- [Completed] Ensure byte code is verifiable (using ILVerify)

- [Completed] Protobuf related files optimization

- [In progress] Increase Sync state, in test

- [In progress] Fix cross-chain stability problem in multi-node case, start cross-chain cross-region evaluation

- [In progress] Research and fix network LIB problem

- [In progress] Economic System dividends/cost optimization, 40%

- [In progress] Check and optimize codes to improve execution efficiency

- [In progress] Optimize the Merkel tree, to be reviewed

- [In progress] Simple version of node discovery


- [Completed] Consensus LIB optimization review

- [Completed] Evaluated WEBAPI /synchronization time-consuming problem

- [Completed] Improved cross-chain automated test scripts and cross-chain scenario evaluation

- [Completed] Optimize Economic System automation script (automatic voting and stability)

- [In progress] Sync state evaluation

- [In progress] Complementing authorizations and cross-chain related unit test

- [In progress] Stability test of a large number of transactions, extended periods of work. (this week evaluated the native machine parallel processing)

- [In progress] Offsite node evaluation (Economic System automation script, running for extended periods and problem fixing)

Plan for This Week

- Cross-region multi-node cross-chain stability evaluation and problem fixing

- Economic System dividends/cost optimization

- [Recurring] Implement TODO and bug fixing in Issues


Highlight: 完成共识LIB优化和sync state评测


- [完成] 共识LIB优化

- [完成] 稳定性优化:CPU占用过高问题

- [完成] 稳定性优化:解决侧链验证主链块偶现无法验证通过

- [完成] 本机并行执行初版

- [完成] Ensure byte code is verifiable (using ILVerify)

- [完成] 优化protobuf相关文件

- [进行中] 增加Sync state,测试中

- [进行中] 多节点情况下跨链稳定性问题修复,跨链开始跨区域评测

- [进行中] 网路LIB问题调研与修复

- [进行中] 经济系统分红/费用优化60%

- [进行中] 检查及优化可提升执行效率代码

- [进行中] 优化默克尔树,待review

- [进行中] 简单版本的节点发现


- [完成] 共识LIB优化评测

- [完成] 评测WEBAPI/同步耗时问题

- [完成] 每次获取交易数的设定及评测

- [完成] 完善跨链自动化测试脚本及跨链场景评测

- [完成] 优化经济系统自动化脚本(自动投票及稳定性)

- [进行中] Sync state评测

- [进行中] 补充完善权限及跨链相关单元测试

- [进行中] 大量交易情况的稳定性测试,长期工作(本周对本机并行模块做了评测)

- [进行中] 异地节点评测(经济系统自动化脚本,长时间运行及问题修复)


- 跨区域多节点跨链稳定性评测及问题修复

- 继续经济系统分红/费用优化

- 实现代码中TODO相关的Issue

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