aelf Enterprise Pioneers the Development of Blockchain Technology with Triple Accreditations

Robust infrastructure to buttress aelf mainnet token swap in September

2 min readAug 20, 2021


On August 20th, CESI provided accreditation on aelf Enterprise in its reliability. Together with the certification, CESI publicized its assessments on aelf Enterprise in the Blockchain System Reliability Test. The results highlight aelf Enterprise at its outstanding performance in its transaction reliability and system recoverability.

In the test, aelf Enterprise has achieved three full marks in its transaction reliability and fast-paced recovery from system failures.

  • Transaction reliability. In the environment of continuous mass execution under heavy system load, aelf Enterprise can achieve 100% success in the three most important indicators: transaction, information synchronization, and effective service.
  • System recoverability. When facing system failures like node disconnection, aelf Enterprise could recover to its ordinary operation within 0.5 seconds.

The Blockchain System Reliability Test inspects blockchain infrastructure from five major perspectives: system fault tolerance, transaction reliability, ease of recovery, consistency, and completeness. It is an accreditation scheme run by the CESI, an affiliate of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT). The test was conducted on-site by assigned technological experts, strictly following the authorities-issued norms and guidelines — System and Software Reliability and the System and Software Engineering System and Software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (known as SQuaRE).

The accreditation heartens crypto enthusiasts with the upcoming mainnet migration in September.

aelf Enterprise lays the foundation for aelf mainnet token swap. The capacity of aelf Enterprise will be of great importance when users start migrating to aelf mainnet by mainnet token swap. Since the mainnet going live on December 10, 2020, aelf has been dedicating to secure and improve its mainnet network in line with its roadmap, serving its strategic extension. The newly received technical certification will embolden ELF holders for the mainnet swap event in the coming September.

“We have constructed the most trusted blockchain financial solutions to protect our users from experiencing endless financial attacks. This certification is just another proof, showing the quality and core ability of our blockchain platform. We did a series of arduous works to make aelf mainnet the best one. And the world will soon know it in our mainnet token swap”, said Haobo Ma, CEO of aelf.



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