aelf Enterprise Receives An Overhaul: aelf Enterprise 0.8.0 Alpha Officially Released

Published in
5 min readAug 26, 2019

Aelf Enterprise 0.8.0 alpha is a comprehensive blockchain solution that includes a complete blockchain system, development kits, development documentation, supporting infrastructure and services.

Aelf Enterprise 0.8.0 alpha Version System Includes

1.aelf Enterprise

  • aelf V0.8.0 alpha
  • DevKit V0.8.0 alpha

2.aelf External Applications

  • aelf Blockchain Scanner V0.8.0 alpha
  • aelf Scanner Mysql plugin V0.8.0 alpha
  • aelf Explorer V0.8.0 alpha
  • aelf Wallet V0.8.0 alpha
  • aelf JS SDK V3.2.13
  • aelf CLI in Nodejs V0.1.7

3. aelf Browser Extension V0.8.0 alpha

The new release, aelf Enterprise 0.8.0 version, updates important features from the aelf enterprise 0.7.0 beta including:

  • Improved blockchain system stability
  • Faster and more efficient transaction execution
  • Complete smart contract system

aelf Enterprise 0.8.0 alpha version includes the following new features and optimizations:

1. New Functions

Native machine parallel processing function:

  • Execute transactions in parallel

Contract security check function:

  • Check the security of the contract, primarily if unsafe dependencies are in use

Simple network discovery:

  • After node A links to node B, node A and B will exchange the synchronization node data

Contract deployment Permission mechanism:

  • The system can constrain the permissions of the contract deployment

Added GetMerklePath interface

Random number standard

2. Optimization

Optimized cross-chain synchronization:

  • Ensure the stability of cross-chain communication and availability of cross-chain
  • Optimized code for cross-chain modules

Optimized network transmission:

  • Mainly optimized related stability issues and reduce the probability of forking

Optimized consensus:

  • Adjusted the producing block rhythm, thus reduced the probability of forking
  • Optimized implemented on the random number standard of consensus
  • Optimized algorithm of consensus to confirm LIB twice

Cross-contract invoking optimization:

  • Optimize project implementation, reduce the difficulty of implementing cross-contract invokes, facilitate system maintenance and reduce the difficulty for developers to get started.

Optimized Keystore and command-line tools

Fixed status inconsistency that may occur during deployment contract

Fixed other issues which affect stability:

  • Occupation of excessive resources, such as excessive CPU usage
  • Bugs caused by verification failure
  • Other errors

Split chain sweeping and warehousing procedures

Implemented CLI tools via Nodejs

Introduction to integration features

1.aelf enterprise

aelf V0.8.0 alpha

  • High-Performance Smart Contract Runtime
  • Consensus System
  • Multiple Token System
  • Voting System
  • Cross Chain System
  • Web API


  1. TestKit
  2. BenchmarkKit
  3. IDE integration

1.1 aelf 0.8.0 Alpha

aelf Enterprise 0.8.0 alpha is a full set of blockchain commercial solution with a complete blockchain system with minimized blockchain kernel, DPoS consensus mechanism, smart contract system, voting system, token system, and basic cross-chain system.

High-Performance Smart Contract Runtime

  • Contract execution level: Based on Protobuf, a smart contract execution environment like grpc was implemented. The input, output and storage are all based on protobuf high-performance serialization. Stateful storage uses a high-performance distributed database such as Redis.
  • Overall contract construction: Generate code through the grpc plugin, performance is equivalent to a grpc server.
  • Overall Contract structure: Parallel execution within blocks, parallel execution through AKKA cluster operations.

Consensus System

  • Security: Ensures that all accounting nodes perform distributed random number generation through The Secret Sharing algorithm. Through this random number, the order of each round of nodes producing is randomly sorted, which reduces the possibility of nodes collusion to do evil.
  • Efficient: After a block verified by 2/3 nodes, the block becomes an irreversible block, and the data is permanently fixed to the chain without being reversed by the fork.

Multiple Token System

  • Based on the contract system, a built-in Token system capable of cross-chain is implemented. All assets can be issued, transferred, locked and transferred across chains

Voting System

  • Based on the contract system, a universal voting system is realized, which facilitates online governance and secondary development.

Cross Chain System

  • Provides a mechanism for any data on the chain can be transmitted across chains. The increase in the number of sidechains does not change the amount of data in the main chain index. The system is based on the Merkle tree root index. The entire system can achieve multi-level mainchain and sidechain index, so it can achieve unlimited scale-up and scale-out expansion.


  • A high-performance interactive framework was implemented using high-performance ASP.Net Core server.

1.2 DevKit

Includes development templates and tutorials, developer manuals, TestKit, BenchmarkKit, IDE Integration

  • Developer’s Manual: Provides a detailed introduction of AElf system and API documentation
  • TestKit: It is convenient for developers to test contracts quickly
  • BenchmarkKit: provides built-in performance test cases
  • IDE Integration: Enables developers to debug smart contracts in real-time and provides the ability to prompt unit test code coverage

Developers can quickly deploy aelf-based blockchain systems and create Dapps based on development kits and tools provided by aelf. Also, developers can quickly familiar with aelf through developer documentation.

2. aelf External Applications

aelf blockchain scanner

  • The chain screening program allows developers to store on-chain data outside the chain easily, reducing developer development costs.
  • Need to insert the application with the corresponding database, the community provides aelf-scan-MySQL as the default MySQL insertion version.

aelf scanner MySQL plugin

  • Developers can easily use chain scanning program to insert data into MySQL database
  • Transaction, block, TPS, resource data storage are supported by default

aelf Explorer

  • Implemented block and transaction queries
  • Released the visualization of the built-in voting system
  • Released the visualization of resource transactions

aelf Wallet

  • private key stored locally
  • Implemented basic token transfer and viewing transaction records
  • Can search and add aelf contract tokens
  • able to search for corresponding transaction records

aelf CLI in Nodejs

  • Provides various command-line prompts
  • Provides functions such as creating accounts, obtaining block information, trading information, and releasing contracts.

3. aelf Browser Extension

  • Stores private keys locally and provide visualized key management interface
  • Encrypted communication between plugins and applications
  • Supports DAPP transaction signatures within AElf ecosystem
  • Supports users to manage application permissions visually

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