aelf Implements On/Off-Ramp Services and ELF token Listed on Alchemy Pay

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4 min readJun 15, 2023

We are thrilled to announce that aelf has introduced crypto-fiat exchange capabilities within our ecosystem. Through our partnership with Alchemy Pay, we have implemented seamless and cost-effective on/off-ramp solutions for all our users and ecosystem projects. Furthermore, we are excited to share that our native token, ELF, is now listed on Alchemy Pay’s platform, enabling direct purchase or sale of ELF with fiat currency.

Alchemy Pay offers a gateway that seamlessly connects cryptocurrencies with global fiat currencies. Their solution can be easily integrated into platforms and DApps through a plugin or API. Alchemy Pay’s on-ramp service currently supports payments from 173 countries, accepting various payment methods such as Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Google Pay, Apple Pay, popular regional mobile wallets, and domestic transfers, with a focus on emerging markets. Their off-ramping capability enables users to convert crypto into over 50 local fiat currencies. The crypto-fiat ramp provides a user-friendly Know Your Customer (KYC) process, low fees, and favorable conversion rates, making buying and selling crypto as simple as regular online payments with local currencies.

The buying and selling of ELF tokens on Alchemy Pay

The listing of ELF token on Alchemy Pay’s platform expands its use cases. ELF token holders now have easier and more cost-effective options to buy and sell ELF tokens within the aelf ecosystem at real-time prices. These services will be available across various aelf ecosystem projects that have integrated Alchemy Pay’s plugin.

The realization of on-ramp & off-ramp solutions on aelf

As aelf is making steady progress in building our ecosystem, more projects and DApps have been deployed on both the Mainnet and Testnet, raising the need for better support from the infrastructure. One of the pain points that plague Web3 projects is the lack of connection between assets in the real world and in the digital verse.

To facilitate crypto-fiat exchange in our ecosystem projects and promote further growth, aelf has partnered with Alchemy Pay to introduce on-ramp and off-ramp solutions to the blockchain, allowing developers to embed fiat-crypto conversion features into their projects. By utilizing Alchemy Pay’s plugin, developers can seamlessly integrate this functionality into various project types, including DeFi protocols, GameFi, NFT marketplaces, wallets, and more.

Portkey — Successful Implementation of Alchemy Pay’s Ramp Solution

The successful integration of Alchemy Pay’s ramp solution can be witnessed in Portkey, the first smart contract wallet on aelf. Portkey has completed its integration with Alchemy Pay, enabling on-ramp functionality within its wallet app and extension. Users can now deposit Mainnet ELF directly using fiat payment methods such as credit cards, debit cards, and bank transfers. Once the off-ramp service is live, Portkey will facilitate two-way exchanges between ELF tokens and fiat currencies, further enhancing its utility.

Similar to Portkey, all developers within the aelf ecosystem can utilize Alchemy Pay’s direct-to-customer plugin to integrate on/off-ramp solutions into their projects. The integration process is simple and efficient, allowing their users to directly buy or sell ELF tokens using their local currencies. This ramping solution is expected to stimulate aelf ecosystem growth and facilitate the onboarding of Web2 users in the long run.

About aelf

aelf is a high-performance blockchain designed to support the development of Web3 and its anticipated growth over the next 5 to 10 years. As a layer-1 network, aelf offers unparalleled processing speed, surpassing most layer-2 projects. Built on cloud computing, aelf operates through a distributed network of nodes across various cloud data centers. Multiple tools like browser extensions, aelf blockchain explorer, wallet App, and SDKs have been built and open-sourced so that developers can easily build and contribute to aelf ecosystem.

With two successful hackathons and a range of impressive projects deployed on the network, aelf is well-prepared for the forthcoming surge. With the ambition set to drive the development of Web3 and promote the adoption of blockchain technology, aelf shall sustain long-term growth by consolidating the existing ecosystem and adding more interesting features at the same time. Expansion of aelf ecosystem is underway.

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About Alchemy Pay

Founded in Singapore in 2017, Alchemy Pay is a payment gateway that seamlessly connects crypto and global fiat currencies for businesses, developers, and users. The Alchemy Pay Ramp Solution is integrated, via plugin or API, with platforms and dApps, providing an easy onramp from fiat currency to crypto. Alchemy Pay’s supports payments from 173 countries — Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Google Pay, Apple Pay, popular regional mobile wallets, and domestic transfers with a focus on emerging markets. Its offramping capability remits to users in 50+ local fiat currencies. ACH is the Alchemy Pay network token on Ethereum and BNB Chain.







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