aelf Mainnet Goes Live

The biggest milestone yet

4 min readDec 10, 2020


aelf mainnet has gone live on December 10th!

Starting today, all users will be able to download and access the latest version of aelf Enterprise 1.0.0. Alternatively, you can try the latest version through the aelf Explorer.

From the very beginning, aelf was designed to become a scalable and high-performance decentralized cloud computing platform. The long-term running of the Testnet, extensive testing coverage and Global Code Audit Program ensured the aelf mainnet launch and safe and stable running. At present, aelf has unlimited scalability, innovative cross-chain collaboration mechanism and elegant multi-level main-chain side-chain system, which can provide users with a high-performance, user-friendly and reliable large-scale commercial blockchain infrastructure.

Breakdown of aelf Mainnet Launch Roadmap

When the mainnet goes online, the aelf team will push the mainnet work in stages according to the latest mainnet roadmap. At the same time, aelf team will further improve the mainnet features and focus on building the DApp ecosystem.

Phase 1 is mainnet security monitoring. In this phase, the main-chain and side-chain of the aelf mainnet will be launched step by step. Therefore, the multi-chain structure of the mainnet will start running. The nodes are still run by the aelf Foundation to ensure the stability of the mainnet. Meanwhile, we will actively invite more exchanges to access the aelf mainnet to prepare for the mainnet token swap. Moreover, we will schedule a full function tryout for the community simultaneously to familiarize all community members and future nodes with the mainnet features.

Phase 2 is token swap. Users can start swapping their token on the mainnet. Then, we will inform major platforms and communities in advance of the specific time and instructions.

In Phase 3, we will start electing the nodes, and gradually launch some DApps, which is also a key step to improving the stability and decentralization of the system.

In Phase 4, all nodes will be replaced with elected parties. This means that the aelf mainnet can run stably and orderly. We will also elect the aelf Management DAO Committee and hold DApp development contest to pool community strength to promote the orderly management of the aelf ecosystem.

In Phase 5, the aelf mainnet is completely stable and can realize the auto-governance of the community and ecosystem.

ELF (mainnet token) Distribution Plan

ELF is the main token in the aelf network. It is used for transaction fee, side-chain index fee, production node application deposit and rewards for block production. The total amount of issuance is 1 billion. After the mainnet goes online, the Genesis Block will release 88% of the ELF (880 million), which will be used for the token swap in the future. The remaining 12% (120 million) will be the mining rewards. In other words, the ELF-ERC 20 Token currently owned by the holder will not be affected.

Regarding the whereabouts of the 88% of total ELF, we have the following plans:

Genesis: During week 1, there was no operation on the chain except for block generation. 88% of the ELF issued from the Genesis Block is temporarily held by the first BP (Genesis Node) .

In week 2, the 5 Genesis Nodes can start claiming their earnings, and in the future they can do so every four weeks. When Genesis Node receive their first earnings (including block rewards and re-election), the first Genesis Node will sent 88% of the ELF to the default parliamentary organization address. That’s a five-Genesis-Node multi-signature address.

In week 3, side-chain creation and swapping contract will be deployed by the Genesis Node.

Before the Full function tryout for community starts, ELF required for the first swapping will be provided by the parliamentary organization and will be released to the first Genesis node. The BP will transfer all earned ELF to the shared side-chain through cross-chain transfer. After that, the parliamentary organization can provide ELF again in combination with the Full function Tryout for community.

After entering Phase 4: Mainnet Improvement, with the establishment of the aelf DAO Management Committee, it will be up to the DAO committee to decide the ownership of the remaining ELF in the parliamentary organization. In addition, all nodes will be replaced according to the election results. The remaining earnings received by the Genesis Node will be handed over to the DAO Committee upon its departure.

For aelf, the mainnet launch is a prelude to a new journey into the future. We are confident that with the joint efforts of the aelf team, partners and community members, aelf will become the leading project in the era of Blockchain 3.0.

The mainnet launch is just the beginning.

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