An Overview of Projects from Legend X Hackathon — I

Published in
4 min readMay 26, 2022

The Legend X hackathon is progressing steadily with regard to the number of participants and votes received. Up to now, we have embraced 238 participants and 13 submitted projects, some of which have already completed deployment. In this article, we will have a glimpse of some of the excellent projects competing in the Web 3.0 track.

aelf Testnet Faucet

Developers make user-centered products while aelf Testnet Faucet makes developer-centered ones. This DApp streamlines the procedure for developers to get TestNet ELF tokens before they start building on aelf. It calls the existing faucet smart contract provided by the aelf team, making it easy to use the NIGHT ELF browser extension. After connecting the wallet to this DApp and clicking “Get ELF from Faucet!”, developers can get 100 TestNet ELF, the Txid of which will appear after the transaction is completed. The design is really simple and practical.

What’s more, this DApp has already been fully deployed onto aelf and is currently open to all users. Developers can try it now and follow its lead in completing the deployment and becoming one of the first applications in aelf’s ecosystem.


The MixVerse project creates a Web 3.0 open state system for the VR/AR metaverse. It is composed of a variety of modules with distinct functions such as the rewarding mechanism that encourages users’ engagement and the governance support which enables the creation of DAOs within the metaverse. Through VR/AR devices, users can enjoy all metaverse experiences including games, entertainment, social, life, business, work, and learning. MixVerse is ambitious to address the issues that have been plaguing metaverse and has set the goal to raise users’ sense of belonging with the help of VA/AR technology.

Comic One

Comic One is a platform that helps content creators get funding to produce high-quality content for streaming, cinema, television, web-toon, and much more. Inspired by the revolution of the game industry driven by blockchain, the co-founders of this project decided to apply this technology to the comics industry. This platform makes it easier for content creators to get funding directly from the community while investors buy and sell NFTs generated by these creators. Everything is done to best serve the needs of both artists and investors. The economic model of content creators getting rewards for their efforts guarantees the production of more and more high-quality content, which in turn attracts more art lovers and consolidates the whole ecosystem.

aelf Blazor SDK

aelf makes it possible to use C# for smart contracts, yet sometimes, JavaScript is needed when building a DApp. That’s why aelf Blazor SDK wants to make it possible to use C# for DApp development. This project provides a development package so developers can easily create a DApp for aelf in C#. The package allows them to communicate from C# with the NIGHT ELF extension. It is designed to be usable in all scenarios, including the testnet, mainnet, and sidechains, and is able to call smart contracts.

These are only parts of the excellent Web 3.0 projects and our future articles will cover more. Much as we appreciate the support we’ve already got from the communities, we would like to appeal for more votes and continuous attention as there are new projects added basically every other day. Please constantly check our hackathon website and vote for projects that interest you.

Besides, we have launched multiple campaigns through Twitter and Discord which reward active users with $ELF. Please stay tuned for upcoming activities.

For tech support or other queries, our devoted team is always ready for help.


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