Published in
2 min readOct 26, 2018

Dr Julian Choo — Scouting Report


Dr Julian Choo grew up in Mongolia, but his family roots can be traced all the way back to Constantinople of the Byzantine Empire. Born, 2nd of February 1974, he grew up studying the ancient arts of Khalkha bökh, Mongolian wrestling. It was here that he found his passion for the human body, enhancing its performance, the importance of allocating resources, and proper governing.

Dr. Julian Choo — aged 42 in typical lab attire

By age 12, Dr Choo had developed his first successful enhancer prototype, dubbed “algorand”. But this was not enough, he continued to work on his inventions until the wind carried news of blockchain technology to his ears in 2012. Fascinated by this, he made it his new life goal to create a powerful superhuman through blockchain technology.

But this was where it all went wrong. In 2014, through a lab experiment gone wrong, his most trusted friend and assistant, Dr. Shard, was killed when cyanide got mixed into his energy drink. Since Dr. Shard was a ‘merkle’ (From the planet ‘Hash’), Dr. Choo believes that by obtaining the mystical Merkle Tree Root, he can revive his trusted friend and destroy blockchain all together since this was the reason his friend died in the first place.

And this… is the start of our story


Dr Julian Choo’s searching over the last 4 years has led him to aelf. Aelf holds the most pure and original source of the Merkle Tree Root, held in the Main Safe in the the underground lab, it must be protected at all costs!

In our scouting report we have found that Dr. Choo’s bane is trivia. We have developed a defense system using trivia but we need all hands on deck to man it and ensure Dr. Choo doesn’t break through. If the Dr. obtains the Merkle Tree Root, all blockchain technology as we know it will cease to exist.

Mystical Merkle Tree

Boss Stats:

Name: Dr. Julian Choo

Age: 44

Ethnicity: Mongolian

Height: 5’ 9”

Eye Colour: Brown

Identifier: Dragon tattoo on back, scar on right hand

Attack Power: 40,000

HP: 1,000,000,000

Target: Merkle Tree Root

Bane: Trivia



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Head of Content Creation & Community Engagement for aelf. Crypto investor, trader, maker and baker - all things crypto