Join the aelf Saelf-Governed Community

Learn about the DAO Model, Node Election & Mainnet

4 min readApr 16, 2020


During aelf’s Mainnet launch preparation, in order to gather community support and promote the smooth launch and orderly ecosystem governance, aelf will launch a new saelf-governed community. This will be done in a democratic and transparent way, stimulating community initiative and empowering community quality resources. This community will promote a decentralized, forward-driven aelf saelf-governed system. At present, the aelf DAO Management System draft has already begun to take shape.

Before the formal establishment of the aelf DAO, the aelf team hopes that the community can participate in the DAO’s discussion and design. In addition, the team hopes to bring users who are interested in the aelf node election together to participate in the aelf community governance. After consultation with the aelf Foundation, it was decided to build a new Telegram community: ‘the aelf saelf-governed community’. Users can have in-depth conversations within the aelf saelf-governed community on major aspects such as the aelf DAO, the node election, and the mainnet launch. Users who are interested in learning more about the aelf DAO Management System, as well as those who wish to participate in the aelf ecosystem and share the benefits of aelf’s development, are encouraged to join the community.

Members’ Rights & Interests

Through the saelf-governed community, users can participate with ease in the aelf DAO development. Simultaneous to this, according to the degree of users’ participation and contribution, users can get corresponding rights and share in aelf’s development achievements.

1. Participate in the aelf project

  • Get first-hand information on the progress of the aelf project
  • Real-time Q & A with the core team members
  • Collaborate with Members of DAO Management Committee to initiate on chain governance proposals
  • Participate in DAO Management System related issues
  • Learn about aelf’s underlying system
  • Participate in strategic planning after aelf’s mainnet launch

2. Participate in community activities

  • Participate in Community Live AMAs
  • Participate in strategic sharing sessions (DAO, Dapp ecology, etc.)
  • Participate in the on-chain proposal voting
  • Participate in the mapping event, node election and other activities
  • Advise on community development
  • Participate in offline activities

Application Requirements

In order to ensure the community’s quality and protect the rights of every member to participate in the aelf ecosystem governance, there will be an official invitation to join the saelf-governed community. We have set basic criteria for joining the saelf-governed community:

  • You must hold at least 50,000 aelf tokens — must be verified.
  • You must be a highly active aelf community member who is willing to consistently participate in aelf’s DAO governance.

Token Verification Process

Transfer a specified amount of ELF to an official designated address.

Official Designated Address: 0x9E785b68727746e0BD9a0302Dc0DE5f3e1458841

Amount: 0.01 ELF

Transfer Notes: Telegram Username (Required) and Phone number (Optional) — Be Sure to make a clear note when transferring


  1. The transfer needs to be initiated by a personal ETH Wallet where the 50,000 ELF is stored. An exchange account cannot be used!

2. If ELF assets are stored in an Exchange, it is necessary to transfer ELF to the personal Wallet before initiating the verification process.

Once the transfer is complete, please wait for verification (within 2 working days). After the verification is complete, you will be invited to join the aelf saelf-governed community.

If you can’t make a note when transferring, please contact our admin for one-on-one verification via Telegram:

Chinese admin: @aelfgirl (aelf 小仙女)

English admin: @DORISYG (Doris Guo)

Through the Innovation of aelf’s community structure, aelf aims to build an openly communicating, value-oriented and self-contributing community, which can support aelf’s ecosystem and promote its sustainable and stable development. If you are looking forward to becoming involved in community development, sharing aelf’s development opportunities, and creating both economic and social value together, then joining the aelf DAO Management Committee is the best way. Users who are interested in joining in the aelf DAO Management Committee can apply to join the aelf saelf-governed community for in-depth communication. The aelf DAO Management System will be introduced and discussed in more detail in the aelf saelf-governed community. In the future, any relevant details about the aelf node campaign and mainnet will also be shared with users in this community first. Come and join us!

— Join the Community:

· Get on our Telegram Discord Slack and Kakao channel

· Follow us on Twitter Reddit and Facebook

· Read weekly articles on the aelf blog

· Catch up with the develop progress on Github

· Telegram community in 한국 ,日本語 ,русский ,العربية ,Deutsch ,ItalianoandTiếng Việt,

· Instagram: aelfblockchain

· YouTube Channel: aelf

For more information, visit



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