New Feature Added on aelf’s Main Site, Legend X Hackathon Now Easily Accessible

Published in
3 min readApr 29, 2022

We are glad to announce the launch of an “Activity” section on aelf official website. In this section, you will be able to see all the event information. So far, aelf’s second hackathon, Legend X, is a significant improvement compared with the last one and has received more than 70 applications. It has an individual website that users can access directly from aelf’s main site. With a single click at [Legend X] button from the drop-down menu of Activity, users are directed to the dashboard of this hackathon event.

For aelf Wallet App users, you can enter the app from your mobile devices, choose Discover, and tap the Hackathon icon in the bottom right corner of the Recommended panel.

All the critical data are carefully categorized on this site so that users can grasp the key information at a glance.

On the first interface you land, the event’s goals and missions are presented, right below a huge countdown for the hackathon. If you click [Register], you will land on a page where the hackathon is hosted. There, the recent progress and information of the participants can be seen.

Scroll it down and you will see the Award section. The total amount of prizes provided is over $500,000 worth of ELF and there are altogether eight tracks for various developers to compete within.

Beneath is the Judging Panel, a veteran team composed of experts in their own fields.

Following the basic information of the event itself, we have the Learning Materials for developers and block producers. Dedicated hackers can click on these icons to learn more about how to join the aelf ecosystem.

The next interface is about Partners & Sponsors. They are all our long-term supporters and well-known brands in the blockchain industry.

Further down, we have the FAQ section. Details and useful tips about this event are provided here to save readers unnecessary efforts to search.

The last part of the site is an input box that invites users to subscribe to aelf’s hackathon updates. Links to social media and email are provided at the bottom right corner of the footer.

That’s basically everything we have in the current stage. As for new features you can expect in the near future, a review page for previous hackathon events will be added. Besides, the [Grant] function, as shown on the landing page, will be activated. It shall open a channel for users to vote for their favorite projects and receive rewards for that. By quadratic voting, every ELF holders can express their preference and decide which project is the next big thing on aelf.



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