Twitter AMA recap

Published in
14 min readMay 7, 2020

Haobo’s Answers:

Q1: I am a developer with knowledge in solidity, Java C, KSML. Can I build dApps on the aelf blockchain and what programming language do you employ and how easy is it?

A: The aelf development contract is as simple as writing a gRPC service. You can use the aelf-boilerplate on GitHub as the development environment. It includes a code generator, and it’s even configured with CI. You can see that release has an automatically compiled and released iOS/android program

Q2: Can you expand more on decentralized cloud computing blockchain platforms, and what’s the advantage over centralized solutions?

A: Traditional cloud computing has a single point of failure, but the contracts on the blockchain will always be there for you. The advantage is that there is no downtime, and the data will not be rolled back, which solves the trust problem. The disadvantage is that the performance may not be as good as centralized cloud computing.

Q3: What is the vision of aelf in the future? Does aelf have any special plans to attract more investors in the future?

A: We hope that aelf-based DApps can easily be promoted to people without blockchain knowledge. In the future, we want to give more plans to the community and DAO organization, provided that the community can choose DAO members who are responsible to the community.

Q4: With the official release of aelf Enterprise v1.0.0 Preview 2, how can this version provide a safe, stable, and efficient development environment for developers?

A: We will gradually open the test work of the test network, the specific situation will be announced on Twitter, and then on the test network DAO, we may open some hacker bounty task activities to attract security individuals to audit the test network code of aelf and eliminate the security loopholes. At the same time, we will open communication channels with developers, listen to their feedback, and further optimize our development scaffolding.

Q5: Can you provide us more details about the aelf Mainnet Launch Roadmap?

A: In fact, in the whole process of launching the main network, there are many processes that cannot be determined unilaterally by our foundation, such as the test situation of the test network, the discovery and repair of the vulnerability, etc. Meanwhile, the whole process of launching the main network is also a community startup process. aelf foundation cannot predict when the community decides to start the main network.

Q6: How will aelf stand tall in these competitions of crypto? How will you attract investors and build the trust and win the hearts of millions of people in this crypto world?

A: We want people to trust our vision, our products, and our code. And we want the community to be fully self-governed, and we think it will be more successful when more community developers or companies join open source. We are learning from Linux, with an open mind, to attract more people to join. Of course, we try to push our product when no one else is on board.

Q7: What are your strategies in building a big and strong community ? Do you agree that the power of the community will lead your project to grow globally ?

A: We believe that what a strong community needs is a sense of identity, a sense of belonging, a shared vision and to grow together. The community can be a stage for many people, helping them develop their abilities at a new level and be recognized by others in the community. We want everyone to be involved in community governance to benefit from this process, whether it’s personal investment or finding business opportunities along the way. We believe that there is no conflict between business and community, and that there are many businesses profiting from the open source ecosystem, such as Linux with RedHat and ubuntu. We have always believed that a strong community leads to a successful project, which is not something a centralized company can do. Often, I feel during the planning of aelf economy and governance, we are like defining a new country in basic order. Surely, these rules will eventually change slowly through DAO. At the same time, I also think we should strengthen our community culture, to understand why does aelf community support aelf for its network? I hope our friends in the community are aligned with our idea, so that more non-blockchain users can start using blockchain easily.

Q8: Most investors just focus on the price of a token in the short-term instead of the real value of the project. Can you tell us the motivation and benefits for investors to long term?

A: From my personal opinion, long-term investors are likely to get the best return. That is of course, if the project is successful. I think long-term investors can get more support from the community in the process of participating in community governance, and may also find some business opportunities in the process of participating within the community. For example, add some basic services to aelf and become the staking service provider of aelf. By running for election, you might say there are benefits to govern, which is true. But probably not much, but I think a Congressman gets more than a stipend.

Q9: When the aelf team evaluates the project on their own, do you think the project is going well? I was wondering if there were any particular difficulties and if there were any changes from the initial plan.

A: Although aelf enterprise being the underlying blockchain system has been completely developed earlier than expected within roadmap of the whole project process but on the main economic/governance model, we start to have more ideas which therefore carried out several rounds of iteration and has go beyond the white paper of our original idea, so we added a economic/governing white paper. We want aelf’s main network to be a complete product.

Q10: The most important thing for an ecosystem is the number of regular users. How is aelf oriented towards development in this regard? What is your main market?

A: I personally think that a blockchain project will have several user groups. Investors, developers & DAPP users. We see that in the whole system, it’s the DAPP users that are really going to be the ones to drive the profits on the system. Therefore, only by enabling DAPP users to enter our ecosystem well and having a user who knows nothing about blockchain becoming our DAPP user then will definitely improve the value of our entire system. I’m happy to say that we’ve made some changes, and we’ll soon be rolling out our recommended DAPP development model. Of course, if you’re a developer, you might have already found this code in our scaffolding code.

Q11: Will the total supply of aelf token be decreased or stay the same when conversion of the current tokens to mainnet tokens? What is the difference between aelf and Polkadot on cross-chain technology?

A: Remain unchanged. Our model is simpler than polkadot, but it increases the workload of the validator node. Thus, it is impossible for bad actors to do bad things without a 51% attack on the validator node.

Q12: What can the community do to help you make the mainnet launch better, faster and stable?

A: Community can help by actively participating in the testing, participating in discussions, joining the test network launch committee and promoting to more friends who share the aelf vision to join us.

Q13: Speaking of Governance, what is aelf Governance Model? And What Advantage does your Governance Model compare to others?

A: We think that the governance model is dynamic, I can’t evaluate which one is better than the governance model in the United States or the United Kingdom, we think what model the community finally chooses, so this model is good for aelf. So we put out a lot of basic tools together with some drafts for the community to decide, then we will proceed to launch the main network based on the agreed draft, otherwise we might have further iterations.

Q14: How can developers contribute to your project and how do you plan to get developers involved? What products have been launched by aelf and is there a new product from aelf that will be introduced in the future?

A: Developers who want to contribute to the aelf open source project can fork the aelf repository, submit their own code changes, and then submit the pull request (PR) to the main repository of the aelf project. In addition, any good development suggestions can be submitted to us.

We have set up a scaffolding on GitHub for DApp developers, and we have configured CI so that developers can use C# to develop smart contracts. In addition, aelf provides SDK for languages such as Python, Javascript, Java, Golang, and PHP.

Developer documentation continues to be improvised, you can refer to:

Aelf has released blockchain commercial solution Enterprise, supporting blockchain browser, iOS/Android/web wallet and plug-in(s), and developed trusted random number generator, blockchain lottery and other applications. More DApps will be launched in the future. We have also organized a DApp development competition, and we welcome developers to participate in it.

Q15: In your opinion, should traditional companies apply blockchain? How can traditional companies be integrated into the blockchain, so what are your plans for traditional companies that continue to exist with their own systems?

Do you have any plans to attract non-crypto investors to aelf and how? What are the actions to increase awareness around aelf in non-crypto space?

What problems do you see occurring in the blockchain industry nowadays and how does your project aim to solve these problems?

A: That’s a lot of questions. ;-) but good ones. We believe more and more traditional companies will use blockchain technology. A few examples are already happening, Libra, and also recently we see that China is super active in blockchain implementations at government agencies and commercial companies. We are constantly talking to these companies and finding angles to work with them.

To attract non-blockchain users, our main thesis is that we want to offer the users an experience where they aren’t even aware it is on blockchain and also offer them the rights to vote for decisions on aelf blockchain and get rewarded. We are talking to gaming companies and payment companies to attract users.

Q16: aelf has Stages of MainNet Developments, But I noticed you did not Mentioned DEFI yet. Is there a Problem with Our DEFI Systems Today? What Solutions Does aelf can offer in these DEFI issues?

A: Our platform is similar to ETH and is able to host any DEFI application. As we are better in performance, our blockchain can process faster when the price fluctuates. At the same time, due to the multi-chain structure of aelf, if one chain only processes loans, then the ordinary transfer of other transactions will not affect the processing capacity of the loan chain.

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Zhuling’s Answers:

Q1: What are the great achievements that aelf has achieved so far? What difficulties and risks did you encounter during project implementation and what factors helped motivate you to overcome difficulties?

A: First, just like launching any startup, its community and investors are usually regional. It is really rare to have a Asian project to be supported by western funds and community from day 1. We were lucky to have overcome that obstacle. Having a global investor lineup from day 1. Having a global team from day 1 and also working with a global community from day 1. This benefited us to have an international perspective which is crucial in the blockchain industry.

Secondly, as a hardcore technology company, it is really hard to put in plain words what is our ambition. Our ambition is huge, achieving key innovations in multiple fronts of blockchain technology and organically combining them to serve real users for the future. Our marketing team has been working really hard to elaborate what aelf is. Now we have come to a point that the product is ready. Therefore it is much easier for all of us to understand how solid aelf is by trying out the network ourselves! That’s exactly what the following events will be about — Try out all the exciting features of aelf network before mainnet launch.

Q2: Am a bit confused about the Dry Run of Node Election System. Can you please explain the working principles of the Dry Node Election System and how it would help aelf blockchain achieve transparency and decentralization??

A: Node election system is already in place on aelf. Before we migrating to mainnet (which requires nodes to be elected), we will first get all token holders to try the feature on aelf testnet. That means, each of us will get aelf test tokens and apply to become a node or vote for a node that you trust. In this way, we will start to see who are the interested parties to become nodes, the community can practice how to evaluate them and vote them up. you will go through this super interesting process, all done easily on aelf block explorer. and even better, you will get economically incentivized on aelf blockchain to participate in this process

Q3: What is the greatest achievement of aelf? Can you share with us aelf’s future plans for the aelf ecosystem?

A: aelf solves cross-chain, performance scaling and other technical problems. also clearly defining the governance and revenue distribution. What we hope aelf can bring to you is the transformation of blockchain from a geek product to a mature product. We will make the best use of the power of the community, hand over the funds to DAO for management, and support the development of the whole aelf system. aelf will learn from the experience of Linux open source and strictly follow the MIT open source agreement. Any company and individual can customize the blockchain system with special requirements based on the aelf source code. At the same time, with the native cross-chain capability of aelf, it is possible that one day in the future, the main network of aelf will be connected to many other third-party chains developed based on aelf.

Q4: Is it safe to participate in lock mining while users need to send an amount of elf to the system, there are several wallet hacking like this, users got lost after sending gas fee?

A: Reply from our developers:

The process of Lock Mining is: User sends a Vote transaction to Election Contract, which claims the target candidate he wants to vote, lock time, and the amount of ELF he is going to lock.

And, during the execution of Vote transaction, the locking behavior acts like this way:

1. Election Contract sends an inline transaction called Lock to MultiToken Contract.

2. During the execution of Lock transaction, the MultiToken Contract will use three variables to calculate a Virtual Address: User’s Address, Election Contract Address, and a Vote Id to identify this voting action (which is calculated in Vote transaction).

3. The MultiToken Contract transfers a certain amount of ELFs from the user’s account to the Virtual Address calculated in step 2.

Notice, this Virtual Address is unique even considering the whole lifetime of AElf blockchain.

When the user wants to withdraw his ELFs locked before:

1. He can send a Withdraw transaction to the Election Contract, with the Vote Id calculated during voting.

2. During the execution of Withdraw transaction, the Election Contract sends an inline transaction called Unlock to the MultiToken Contract.

3. The MultiToken Contract will use User’s Address, Election Contract Address, and Vote Id calculate the Virtual Address again, the result should be the same as the one calculated during voting.

4. Finally, the MultiToken Contract can transfer a certain amount of ELFs from the Virtual Address to the user’s account.

Because the calculation of the aforementioned Virtual Address will use User’s Address as a variable, so in no way can others handle the balance of the Virtual Address of one particular account. Besides, the MultiToken Contract’s implementation can make sure the Virtual Virtual won’t be calculated via other ways. Thus the Lock Mining is safe.

Q5: As we know, every successful project has a few stories behind the scenes, what’s the story behind aelf success? What was that vision when it first emerged as an idea? Are there any special prototypes or upcoming aelf updates that you want to show/share with us?

A: We aim to build a blockchain that is original and also has all the features that developers want in order to build meaning Dapps. We have recently released aelf Enterprise 1.0.0 preview 2. This is gonna be the code operating when mainnet is launched. We will soon announce a series of events on the testnet to progress based on our mainnet launch roadmap

Q6: How do you evaluate the support from the community? What is your strategy for marketing and for Mass Adoption? What message do you want to send to the community through AMA today?

A: We think community support is the utmost factor for aelf’s success. In fact, aelf is for the community and will be run by the community. We are focusing on three aspects right now, 1. let the community make decisions on aelf’s future. 2. make sure the product is solid for mass adoption. 3. focus on getting non-blockchain users onto aelf. We can’t over-emphasize on this, every token holder can influence aelf decision making (through voting, DAO, etc) and they shall engage with aelf development from now and enjoy the benefits as well (see our economic white paper for benefits)

Q7: What are the benefits aelf can give to people? What will aelf team (developer, management, investor, supporters, etc) do in order to reach common people with these benefits?

A: We will ensure anyone who contributes to aelf network (commercially, technically) will be benefited from aelf’s growth. There are running bounties and events to incentivize people. Voting on aelf, staking, working on proposed bounties will get common people benefited. Also, Dapps on aelf will aspire to be frictionless for common people (no need to remember private key, feels like a normal APP)

Q8: What are your plans to educate and raise awareness and adoption among the community to make more people understand aelf and its technology?

A: We are pushing more on the community side, first of all, we are launching more bounties to attract developers to build on aelf. Secondly, we recently funded a blockchain lab in a university in China where we are guiding final year students to work on blockchain. Thirdly, we wanna do more community events and youtube videos to make things even easier for people to understand. If you have any suggestions, we are open to that too.

Q9: All we know is that collaborations in industry are very crucial in order to survive and dominate in the long term. What kind of collaborations/Co-operations have been made by aelf?

A: First of all, the blockchain industry is still fairly small and users with ETH and EOS wallets are considered a very small group and it’s not effective to even promote within these groups. What we need to consider is how to enable users who have never been exposed to blockchain to use DApp. The competitiveness of aelf is to make it easier for aelf developers to promote their DApp to ordinary users, rather than to teach ordinary users a lot of blockchain knowledge. The average user doesn’t like to hear about private keys, mnemonic, Gas Price, RAM, CPU, etc. Only until we solve such problems, companies that need to solve problems through blockchain will be more inclined to use AELF in technology selection. Therefore, our main work is to explain the competitive advantages of aelf, ETH and EOS to everyone. We have some business co-operations, but we also believe that simply through case by case business cooperation will not be able to gain adoption so quickly, therefore we still need to put our products to stay ahead of the next generation.

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ælf, the next breakthrough in Blockchain.