Role of AI and Emerging Technologies in Economic Growth

Deepika Pandey
Published in
6 min readAug 16, 2022

The past decade has been a period of extraordinary technological growth, and the implications of this progress for the future of economic growth are profound. The Internet has transformed the way we live and work. The smartphone has created a new era of mobile commerce. Social media has made it possible for individuals to connect with one another at an unprecedented scale. Artificial intelligence (AI) is poised to revolutionize how we think about the economy, and its impact will be felt for decades to come.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and emerging technologies are the most important drivers of economic growth in the 21st century. They are the enablers of future innovations and job creation, and they can help to improve the quality of life of people. In this article, we discuss the role of AI and emerging technologies in the world of the economy. We will also examine the possible challenges and opportunities that AI and emerging technologies could bring to the global economy.

The Opportunity for AI-Driven Economic Growth

AI-driven economic growth is the greatest opportunity for economic growth in the 21st century. It is the key to creating more jobs, improving the quality of life, and helping countries to become more competitive. AI is expected to generate $20 trillion in economic value by 2025. The first and foremost benefit of AI and emerging technologies is that they are driving innovation. They are helping to drive the development of new products and services that have the potential to be the foundation for a new era of prosperity. These new products and services are also helping to increase productivity and efficiency, and reduce costs. As a result, the overall economy is improving.

AI will have an impact on global trade as well as the type and quality of economic growth. AI, for instance, is likely to quicken the shift to service economies. This is related to worries about the relationship between AI and jobs because AI is projected to increase automation and hasten the loss of low-skill, blue-collar jobs in manufacturing. Parallel to this, as AI is utilized to enhance manufacturing and products, it will also place greater emphasis on certain worker talents. The proportion of services in manufacturing and international trade should increase as a result.

There is a Large Potential for AI to Contribute to Global Economic Activity

The potential for AI to contribute to global economic activity is large. In fact, the potential is so great that it may be the biggest driver of economic growth in the future. AI has the potential to transform how we work, live, and interact with each other. It can also improve our lives in a variety of ways. For example, AI can help us to save money and time. It can also make us more productive, and allow us to do more things at the same time.

One of the pillars of the expanding digitalization of industry (also known as “Industry 4.0”) is AI. IoT, 5G, cloud computing, big data analytics, smart sensors, augmented reality, 3D printing, and robotics are technologies supporting this process that are likely to transform manufacturing into a single cyber-physical system where digital technology, the internet, and production are combined in one.

Future smart factories will integrate production processes, and AI solutions will be essential for connecting the equipment, user interfaces, and component parts (using, for example, visual recognition). The manufacturing process would be optimised as a result of the massive volumes of data that would be gathered and sent to AI appliances. According to the OECD, “most industrial operations” can benefit from this usage of AI, from improving industrial research to optimising multi-machine systems. The advancement of automated learning techniques will probably lead to an increase in the use of AI in manufacturing throughout time.

Do AI and Emerging Technologies Improve the Accumulation of Human Capital?

The majority of research emphasise that the economic impact of AI will be substantial. By 2035, AI could quadruple yearly global economic growth rates, according to research conducted by consultancy firm Accenture and spanning 12 industrialised economies that collectively account for more than 0.5% of global economic production. This increase will be fueled by AI in three key ways. Firstly, it will result in a significant rise in labour productivity (by up to 40%) as a result of cutting-edge technology that make workforce-related time management more effective. Second, AI will develop a brand-new virtual workforce capable of problem-solving and self-learning, referred to as “intelligent automation” in the paper. Third, the economy will gain from the spread of innovation, which will have an impact on various industries and open up new revenue streams.

According to a PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) report, the increasing development and uptake of AI may cause the global GDP to rise by up to 14% (the equivalent of US$15.7 trillion) by 2030. The Internet of Things (IoT) data, which is expected to be many times higher than the data generated by the existing “Internet of People,” will help unleash the next wave of the digital revolution, according to the paper. It will advance standardization, which will lead to increased automation, while also advancing the personalization of goods and services. According to PwC, there are two key ways that AI will affect the world economy. The first hypothesis proposes that AI would increase productivity in the short term through the automation of regular operations, which is expected to have an impact on capital-intensive industries like manufacturing and transportation. Extended use of technologies like robotics and driverless cars will be part of this.

Businesses using AI technologies to supplement and support their current staff will increase productivity. The workforce would be able to complete its tasks more effectively and more quickly thanks to the investment in software, systems, and machines based on assisted, autonomous, and augmented intelligence. This would also free up time so that it could concentrate on more interesting and high-value activities. Automation would reduce the need for labor input to some extent, increasing productivity as a whole.

Many people believe that AI will boost productivity and the economy. Analyzing a lot of data, it can greatly improve the decision-making process and boost the efficiency with which things are done. It can also lead to the development of new markets, industries, products, and services, which will increase consumer demand and open up new sources of income.

Does New Technology Always Boost Economic Growth?

Some people are concerned that AI will replace human jobs, and that will hurt the economy. However, there are many ways in which it can be used to improve the quality of life. It can help people to make more informed decisions, which can help them to live a better life. Also, AI can help to reduce the cost of doing business and to increase productivity.

The impact of AI on the economy is positive, but it will not necessarily always be so. For example, the rise of technology led to the automation of a lot of jobs. This resulted in a decline in the employment rate. It is also possible that AI could replace a lot of people’s jobs.


In conclusion, we will have to make some tough decisions about what we are going to do with our time and energy. But, we must take control of our own destiny by making sure that we are the ones who make the decisions about our future. We need to focus on the things that matter most to us, not the things that don’t. And, we must accept the fact that the world is changing and we need to adapt to these changes. We need to stop complaining and start working to create a better world for our children and grandchildren.



Deepika Pandey

Hi, I’m Deepika and I am a freelance web content writer from India. I have experience in writing a variety of technological and creative content for websites.