These are our Story Writing Competition winners!

Ronald Treur
Aephia Industries
Published in
3 min readOct 9, 2021

Over the month of September, Grape Protocol & Aephia Industries organized the first-ever Short-story Writing Competition for Star Atlas. The goal was to write a story based on the lore of the Rebirth meta-poster campaign and making sure to keep it between 724 and 2021 words.

Over a period of roughly 10 days, 28 short stories were submitted by 27 different story writers! While the authors were writing and publishing their stories, the community was reading and voting for the stories they liked most. After the window for submitting stories ended, the community got two additional days to enjoy the stories and pick their favorites!

After this, the top 10 stories were handed over to our expert jury, consisting out of Star Atlas’ team members Pablo Quiroga (Star Atlas’ co-founder and CRO), Matej (Star Atlas’ Head of Communications), and Santi (Star Atlas’ Community Coordinator).

The judges have gone over the stories multiple times during the past weeks, debating heavily which story’s author should take home the grand prize!

Paizul Funeral Procession (7th Rebirth poster)
Paizul Funeral Procession (7th Rebirth poster)


You’ve all waited long enough, so without further ado, the winner of the first Star Atlas Story Writing competition is:
“Who am I?”by Miau the cat

Second place goes to:
“The Fall of the Great Paizul” — by Cavicon D Penman (ceefoon)

And finally, third place goes to:
“The Heart Calls Out” — by Boen (Wollaston)

Congratulations to the winners! Your bag of GRAPE will be on its way soon and we will contact you in order to send the ships to the right address!


Below is a short recap of the prizes our winners will be taking home:

1st place (Miau the cat):
- 100,000 Grape
- 1 x Pearce X5

2nd place (Cavicon D Penman):
- 50,000 Grape
- 1 x Pearce X4

3rd place (Boen):
- 10,000 Grape
- 1 x Pearce X4

The bags of GRAPE will be kindly donated by Grape, and the spaceships are courtesy of Aephia Industries. These ships will be the first ones delivered under our banner!

Read all stories

In order to be able to read all the other awesome stories, head to Grape’s Discord server and check out the #atlassian-writing-contest channel.

Note that to be able to access this channel, you will need to have a verified wallet in the Grape Discord.

In Conclusion

This has been a great success! We’d like to thank all of the participants for their wonderful submissions! Thanks go off course as well to our wonderful partners at Grape Protocol who helped to organize this with us! And finally thanks to the Star Atlas team for jumping on board and judge these stories in an objective manner!

We’ll organize similar events in the future, and it won’t just be writing stories!


Grape Protocol is a toolset for building token-based membership communities on Solana. The network’s tools help DAOs and decentralized communities coordinate members, communication, and incentives more effectively. Grape Protocol’s community, The Grape (“Great Ape”) Community, is a token-based membership community focused on accelerating the growth and adoption of Solana. To learn more about Grape Network, please visit


Star Atlas is a next-gen gaming metaverse emerging from the confluence of state-of-the-art blockchain, real-time graphics, multiplayer video games, and decentralized financial technologies.

Real-time graphics technology using Unreal Engine 5’s Nanite allows for cinematic quality video game visuals. Blockchain technology using the Solana protocol established a largely serverless and secured gameplay experience. Non-fungible tokens obtained and traded within Star Atlas create an economy that replicates the tangibility of real-world assets and ownership. To learn more, visit


Aephia Industries is one of the corporations, or player organizations, within the Star Atlas metaverse. Inside the (extended) lore of Star Atlas, its primary goal is constructing, servicing, and selling spaceships. In the real world, Aephia’s focus is on helping its members reach their full potential in-game and maximize both profit and enjoyment. Aephia Industries fully embraces the Play & Earn ideal, instead of solely focussing on playing to earn.

Aephia Industries is dedicated to the empowerment of every sentient being — to making interstellar travel accessible to each and every individual so as to help us experience true personal freedom and gain control of our own destiny.

— Aephia Industries — Mission statement

To learn more, visit Aephia Industries’ Discord.



Ronald Treur
Aephia Industries

Movie addict / Geek / Developer / Crypto-gaming enthusiast / Play & Earn / Star Atlas: Aephia Industries