Aergo partners with SatoshiPay

Phil Zamani
Aergo blog
Published in
4 min readFeb 18, 2019

We’ve partnered with SatoshiPay to create the fastest infrastructure for blockchain-based micropayments and transactions designated towards B2B2C clientele and users on the Aergo platform

Today, we’re happy to announce our strategic partnership with SatoshiPay to create a crypto and fiat micropayment and transaction system on top of Aergo. SatoshiPay is a blockchain-based micropayments provider that uses some of the best technology to make the process of recieving and making small payment transactions seamless and viable. This enables many great use cases such as frictionless content paywalls, IoT, and more by using a blockchain as an underlying settlement layer for transactions.

This partnership is ideal for Aergo and for SatoshiPay. Together, we’ll be integrating the Aergo public ledger (scheduled to launch end Q1 or early Q2 2019) as an underlying infrastructure for SatoshiPay payments in addition to the other blockchains supported such as Stellar. Effectively, application developers on Aergo are expected to be able to leverage SatoshiPay’s credit card payments system to accept fiat payments (via a fiat-token gateway) for new applications and services.

Services available on our cloud service layer (i.e., Hub, Horde, Marketplace), which is full of rich features and usability functionalities also effectively accept fiat payments (via a fiat-token gateway). As we are looking to make our platform easy to use — to act as an adaptable and exposed-to-market service chain for cloud deployments of blockchain-based enterprise-IT solutions and dApps — our partnership with SatoshiPay will make a great impact. It will also create a plethora of new use cases implemented by customers using Aergo for SatoshiPay’s platform.

We are very excited to be working with a team and company solving some of the biggest issues in the payments space.

Below is a detailed press release on our partnership with SatoshiPay.

Aergo partners with SatoshiPay to make its crypto-focused micropayments services the fastest to date

Aergo announces a new and exciting partnership with SatoshiPay to create the fastest infrastructure for micropayments and crypto transactions designated towards B2C and B2B clientele

HONG KONG (02/17/19)— Aergo, the open-source hybrid blockchain and serverless cloud platform for commercial decentralized applications and distributed enterprise solutions, announces a strategic partnership with leading blockchain-based micropayments company, SatoshiPay. The partnership will facilitate the incorporation of Aergo into SatoshiPay’s frictionless fiat and cryptocurrency payment systems, creating the fastest micropayments system to date.

Recently, SatoshiPay announced a partnership with Axel Springer, the largest digital publishing house in Europe. SatoshiPay runs on the Stellar blockchain to achieve trustless, instant, simple, and inexpensive transfer settlements for fiat and cryptocurrency micropayments. Once the integration is completed, SatoshiPay will support the Aergo blockchain for the denomination, settlement, and hosting infrastructure of its payments services. This will expose many of the cloud services, marketplaces, games, and social media platforms, as well as the entire Aergo ecosystem to SatoshiPay’s payment architecture and a fiat gateway.

To drive ongoing joint efforts, developers and operators of decentralized applications (dApps) on Aergo will be able to use the credit card payment gateway offered by SatoshiPay, while incorporating its user-friendly business model into their own apps as if they were using a system from the Apple App Store or Google Play. This credit card payment system is incorporated through a fiat gateway since tokens are required for all operations on the blockchain.

“Enabling frictionless payments for blockchain applications and services is one of the missing links for enabling mass adoption of blockchain technology both in the B2B and B2C sectors,” explains Phil Zamani, Aergo’s Chairman, and CEO. “Partnering with SatoshiPay will provide businesses globally with a powerful crypto infrastructure that is interoperable with fiat payment services. We plan to implement SatoshiPay’s technology to power aspects of the Aergo service layer with secure fiat payment options.”

Once the partnership is established, developers and prospective blockchain clientele will be able to seamlessly build and integrate innovative payment services that are unavailable today, under legacy payment infrastructure, around machine-to-machine communication (IoT), video and audio streaming, digital goods paywalls, and in-app and in-game payments through the Aergo platform.

“Aergo is an emerging platform that stands out as the only enterprise-ready blockchain deployment platforms in a nascent industry. The strong team behind Aergo has a remarkable track record with a number of corporate blockchain deployments already solving real-world problems, for example at Samsung or Lotte. We feel that Aergo, with its scalable and developer-friendly architecture, is a one-of-a-kind platform that will truly disrupt the enterprise IT space,” said Meinhard Benn, founder and CEO of SatoshiPay. “We are proud to announce that Aergo is the next platform we look to build upon and integrate our services with.”

About Aergo

Aergo is an open-source platform that provides organizations with the advanced toolkits, hybrid architecture, and serverless cloud deployment capabilities needed to share data with third parties securely, trustlessly, and efficiently. The platform connects permissioned blockchains, public ledgers, and legacy IT infrastructure together to allow for the creation of scalable, data-centric, layered distributed trust systems. The platform is built and supported by Blocko, South Korea’s largest blockchain infrastructure provider that is backed by giants Samsung Ventures, POSCO Capital, and others.

About SatoshiPay

SatoshiPay was founded in 2014 and is headquartered in London, with development led through its Berlin office. SatoshiPay offers a frictionless micropayment solution to help digital publishers monetise content globally. Axel Springer, Europe’s largest digital publishing house, is backing SatoshiPay as a partner on blockchain technology usage and as an investor. Find frequently updated information at the company’s website, its blog and Twitter @SatoshiPay

