Aergo Q4–2019 & Q1–2020 Quarterly Project Update

Two-year project & one-year mainnet launch reflection from the President and the Chairman of Aergo; our performance in Q4–2019 & Q1–2020; our 2020 go-forward strategy & focus areas; an update on our close relationship with Blocko; our use of funds in 2019 and planned budget for 2020; updated token metrics, and much more! Read it now.

The QPU is a document regularly provided by the Aergo board of directors that summarizes our performance in the previous period execution as well as our plans moving forward. The Q4–2019 & Q1–2020 QPU goes over how we performed over the past two quarters, then what to expect moving ahead for Aergo by way of technology development, ecosystem expansion, and further enterprise customer acquisition.

We can say with confidence that great strides have been taken over the course of the past two quarters.

Amidst a terrible pandemic (COVID-19) that is slowing business down internationally, a number of international lighthouse projects have been secured by our teams to address the most complex needs involving data and digital finance using the Aergo technology.

Our go-forward plan for the rest of the year will involve aggressive delivery of these projects, furthering the development of new components to the Aergo ecosystem including Aergo Agora and the Aergo Hub, and further additional client acquisition.

→ Read the Aergo Q4–2019 & Q1–2020 QPU by clicking here ←

The Q4–2019 & Q1–2020 QPU includes:

  • A two-year reflection on the Aergo project and the state of the enterprise business blockchain market.
  • An update on our technology development progress and go-forward 2020 roadmap.
  • A recap of our ecosystem expansion progress and future respective plans.
  • An update on our customer acquisition progress in South Korea and the Middle East, featuring over five new major projects in South Korea and three new major projects in the Middle East.
  • An update on our relationship with our key strategic technology and business partner Blocko.
  • An overview of a new partnership consortium to address the most pressing and complex needs in the Middle East, Africa, and South East Asia using Aergo technology, together with some of the world’s leading financial services providers, research institutes, and more.
  • The exciting news that Blocko has launched a new SWAT team that will exclusively focus on Aergo use cases with the Korean government.
  • An overview of our new decentralized governance model, Aergo Agora, to govern the Aergo ecosystem in a more democratic way moving forward.
  • A summary of our latest finances, use of funds, treasury as well as updated token metrics.

We remain committed to delivering our long-term vision of making Aergo one of the leading trust-based digital platforms of the future.

“Survival of the fittest applies in crypto markets to those with the most funds or control of the market.

Survival of the most viable and executable applies in enterprise business blockchain markets.

It doesn’t matter whether a solution is optimal; only whether it’s viable, and whether you have a team to beat the alternative by delivering business value now.”

— Phil Zamani, Aergo President

As always, we invite and welcome feedback on this report from our stakeholders.

→ Read the Aergo Q4–2019 & Q1–2020 QPU by clicking here ←



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Enterprise-ready, open-source hybrid blockchain and easy-to-use serverless cloud platform for building practical decentralized apps and business solutions.