AERGO to award the first incubation investment to CCCV

Jae Nam
Aergo blog
Published in
3 min readFeb 1, 2021

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AERGO Dapp Incubation Program

AERGO has awarded the first incubation investment to Blocko for their development of the CCCV service. AERGO has committed to awarding Blocko 500,000 AERGO tokens each quarter for a total award of 2 million AERGO tokens. The blockchain based CCCV service aims to prevent online fraud and false influencer credentials. AERGO mainnet will be used to record verified personal certifications and credentials.


As mobile and social network platforms become more common, the number of accounts we have to manage in our daily lives, keeps increasing. CCCV is a distributed identity management service that helps anyone easily manage various accounts and identities based on BLOCKCHAIN DID. CCCV provides management technology that can add trust to social network accounts without a central certification authority. Social network influencer’s credentials are verified and recorded on the AERGO Mainnet for authentication. CCCV’s goal is to someday provide services like Credit Bureau (CB) through social networks and social identities.


CCCV acts as a gateway to various SNS information and links through short link address service. Various SNS channels can be aggregated into one address, giving followers one page to view all available SNS accounts. Create and manage various one-time links, such as surveys, voting, donations, event pages, shopping malls, and pop-up stores.

CCCV displays the owner’s certification badges and links that prove their identity and credentials. Credential badges provide various certification management functions to prevent various frauds that prevail on social networks and websites. To receive a credential badge, CCCV users submit their credentials for verification. CCCV team certifies the submitted credentials and the results are recorded on the AERGO mainnet.

CCCV is more than a user credential verifier, CCCV strives to create a trust culture where the community members trusts one another and verifies the validity of that trust.


Currently, the service has gone viral due to the influx of influencer-centered users, showing a steep rise in user traffic.

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In the future, CCCV will provide highly tailored financial products and services, using the user’s verified information, such as occupation, annual income, and assets. Compared to current user tracking advertisement platforms, CCCV will provide user relevant advertisements.

Revenues generated from these products will be reinvested to the platform contributing to the expansion of the ecosystem.

Some consumers and influencers are having difficulty establishing credit cards. CCCV plans to collaborate with credit card companies to enable credit card issuance or loans through social network certification and evaluation.

