Difference and Connection: The Aergo Magenta Brand

Phil Zamani
Aergo blog
Published in
4 min readDec 14, 2018

Over the past six months, Aergo and Blocko have closely worked together and taken the Aergo story and value proposition out to our future stakeholders. This included a number of knowledgeable clients and ecosystem partners. These companies understand exactly what we are trying to do with Aergo — as well as the ramifications of what this new transformative platform we are building could enable them to achieve.

We are in the process of on-boarding many of them as early adopter customers to become the first of many organizations to harness the power of distributed trust. These customers not only understand the market we address; the problems we aim to solve; these customers also understand exactly how they could substantially benefit through the use of Aergo. Many of these early adopter customers are already clients to Blocko, and currently, run large-scale blockchain systems in their businesses. More than 30 in-production deployments and over 9 million users to date.

Our new logo and brand promise describes and conveys exactly what — we have come to better understand — our customers and developers need.

The color magenta conveys difference. Yet, magenta also describes connection, harmony, and balance. In this way, our chosen Aergo color of magenta further drives the narrative that hybrid, open systems that work together are the future. Just like the technology world has to date been hybrid, so too is the future of distributed networking. Magenta articulates the hybrid blockchain design Aergo provides; the hybrid cloud deployment capabilities Aergo’s service layer offers; the pragmatic, (dual) hybrid open-source licensing model the Aergo software adopts; the hybrid software development environment Aergo leverages in combining the best of the old, battle-tested programming languages like SQL with new and best of breed development toolchains.

In short, it's about working with developers, partners and customers to make the best of use of their existing IT investments and new distributed ledger based systems. In harmony and using a balanced approach.

All centered around the user and customer — all enabled via distributed trust.

Over the past four years, and by working directly with clients, system integrators, and partners, we have solidified our understanding of the best ways to build real, industrial-scale solutions. We do this by combining the best of two worlds, in order to:

  1. Leverage the benefits (whilst reducing any drawbacks) of multiple approaches and
  2. Help them create optimal solutions and go-to-market business offerings that delight their customers.

The Aergo platform combines the best of hybrid blockchain, the best of hybrid cloud, the best of hybrid (dual licensing) open-source approaches, the best of hybrid (old and new) programming frameworks, and supercharges it all with a team that has perhaps the greatest enterprise blockchain and open source know-how in the world.

Many companies are attempting to do in the future — what we’re already doing right now. Established players like Oracle state that by creating local data centers and regional traditional databases closer to customers; that use artificial intelligence and machine learning; help them to “move customers from one generation of cloud computing to the next”. Unlocking the potential of truly distributed systems, however, requires a much more fundamental and non-traditional approach (and not simply a re-packaging and re-brand of existing centrally controlled and expensive systems).

Aergo is not a re-brand. It is truly distributed and aims to become the Linux of distributed networking.

This is Aergo. This is distributed trust at scale.

We have spent a lot of time with our strategic technology and commercial services partner Blocko to truly find out what is needed to build the future of scalable distributed trust systems. We have a great understanding of what it will take. Our new brand promise now signifies the connection between the old (Blocko’s trusted expertise and battle-tested proprietary technology) — and the new (Aergo’s open-source and best of breed software development environment), in order to create the bridge customers can use to cross the chasm in adopting distributed ledger technology.

The future of the economy is one where business-critical data is trusted and distributed. Aergo is what will enable this future. Aergo allows businesses to use their data in ways they never have been able to before — through distributed and trustless means.

