The Future of the Aergo Ambassador Program

We are taking our community building efforts to the next level and want you to be a part of it. Here’s an overview of the program we’ll be launching.

Aergo blog
Published in
5 min readApr 27, 2019


Back at the end of 2018, we ran the first round of our ambassador program: the RewarDrop. We had over 10,000 submissions, from over 60 countries and settled on 100 crypto ambassadors of a total 3,000 potential RewarDrop winners.

Overall, we would say it was a huge success and we are hugely grateful for all of the contributions. It played a critical role in forming our early community, and many of you who won a RewarDrop are still actively contributing to Aergo today. The one thing that many of you will have noticed however is the sole focus our RewarDrop had on the crypto community.

At the time, we had just completed our token sale: no Aergo tokens were circulating yet and our mainnet was about 6 months away from launch.

Since then, we’ve come a long way. Our mainnet is live! We’ve announced two game-changing products (i.e., Aergo Enterprise by Blocko & AergoLite), we’ve seen Blocko’s announcement of the migration of all its Coinstack customers over to Aergo Enterprise, and the Aergo token is now listed on multiple top exchanges globally.

“But what’s next?”

Well, we’ll preface our answer to that with a couple things:

  1. The success of Aergo is (obviously) not defined totally by the crypto community. If developers do not build on our mainnet and if enterprises do not implement our solutions, then Aergo will not be successful long-term.
  2. Everyone on the Aergo team, the advisors, and the token purchasers did not get involved with Aergo to see it become another blockchain platform that resembles a ghost town. We are here for adoption and we have the connections and experience to bring adoption!

“That’s all easy to say, but how exactly do you plan to do this?”

The 419 campaign has been designed to be a mix of announcements and launches of programs or initiatives that will bring us to where we want to be. We will be summarising all of this at the end.

In our last post “Do you speak Aergo?”, we explained a little about how our choice of tech stack gives us access to over 8 million developers overnight. This post will provide the next layer to that and in turn, be the launch of our second and more widespread ambassador program.

Enter: The Knights of Aergo

We’ve chosen this name because we feel it encompasses all of the sub-categories we will outline below and at the same time makes a statement about who we are looking for or what we expect. A Knight is a person of honour, a believer in the mission they are working on and a good external representative for the company. (And no, don’t worry we won’t be going as far as giving Phil a sword and asking people to kneel in front of him!)

Within the Knights of Aergo, there will be different roles and different categories as we look to encompass both the crypto community and beyond. But what we do like the idea of is creating unity across these different areas, so two people working on very different things could meet and know they are both Knights of Aergo. “The crowd is more powerful than its constituent parts.”

Another important factor is that different members will help make up a council and each member will be able to have some influence on decisions or the direction of their role. This won’t just be another job for a crypto project. It will be something much deeper.

We’ll be releasing the exact specifics of each sub-role, rewards, tasks and anything else people need to know to apply, as we release each sub-role within the next few weeks. This is the kickoff and hopefully, it galvanises some of our community to start thinking about putting themselves forward to become a knight.

There will be three main categories of Knight for now and this may expand over time:

Crypto Ambassadors

Our ambassadors will be tasked with helping spread the word of Aergo within the crypto community. They will be helping out in areas such as community, business development and marketing. Ideally, they will have been an active member, be well versed with the crypto space and potentially have strong connections to communities or regions.

Developer Enablers

We’ll be putting together a best in class team of developers and developer enablers to take Aergo out to the global SQL and Lua communities. This could involve everything from representing Aergo at external events, helping with our own events, contributing to a developer portal or working on other dev focused projects.

Enterprise Champions

In this category, we are looking for experienced enterprise champions who can represent Aergo in their region, help create marketing collateral for enterprises, facilitate introductions to suitable companies and be a valuable person in the field, amongst a variety of other tasks.

This is your first look at something we think is fundamental to the spread of Aergo. Having the Knights of Aergo will give us the ability to work with the best across every region globally and give us a wide variety of expertise. We believe as Knights, everybody has a much greater say and potential impact, independent people have a different outlook to employees. We want collaboration.

Our next post in the 419 series will showcase another major pillar of the Aergo ecosystem and we look forward to sharing more about it.

This post aims to inform our community on the program. We will open up the application process along for each category, with specifics on potential rewards, in the next couple of weeks and we will welcome your submissions.

“I’m an existing ambassador, what happens to me?”

Our new Knights of Aergo program will seek to both re-engage our existing ambassadors as well as bring in some of the brightest new ones in. For those of you who are already Aergo ambassadors, we’ll be reaching out to you in the next week with more information on the crypto ambassador program.

Until then, watch this space!

Team Aergo



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