How to use Ledger Nano with Aergo Connect (Beta)

Jae Nam
Aergo blog
Published in
2 min readJun 18, 2020

As the Ledger app is not yet available in Ledger Live, using it requires some technical knowledge. This guide will be updated and significantly simplified once official review has been completed.

Aergo Connect, Aergo’s official browser wallet, now has support for connecting to Ledger Nano S hardware wallets. Hardware wallets are a more secure way to store your cryptographic keys and are highly recommended if you store significant value in your Aergo account.

Before you begin

Install the Aergo Ledger app on your Ledger device

Using Aergo Connect with your Ledger device

  1. If you haven’t already, install Aergo Connect from the Chrome webstore.
  2. Right-click on the Aergo Connect icon in your menu bar and select Settings.
  3. Click “Enable experimental hardware wallet support”.
  4. Back in the main screen, click Add new account and choose Connect Hardware Wallet.
  5. Choose the network which you want to use.
  6. Connect your Ledger device and activate the Aergo app.
  7. Click “Connect Ledger” and allow Chrome to access your USB device.
  8. Accounts derived from your hardware wallet private key will be shown along with their existing balance. If you’re using this for the first time, we recommend to simply pick the first account.
  9. And you’re done! You can now use the account like any other account you have stored in Aergo Connect with the Aergo Mainnet.

What this means is that the Ledger application can be used to sign Aergo transactions like:

  • Transfer
  • Stake & Unstake
  • Votes (BP and DAO)
  • Name System (create and update)
  • Smart Contract deploy and redeploy
  • Smart Contract function call

When you initiate actions that require confirmation, you will be prompted to connect your Ledger device and confirm the action there.

How to send funds

  1. Select your Ledger-connected account and go to the Send tab.
  2. Enter the receiver address and amount.
  3. Click Check Data to verify your inputs.
  4. Click Confirm. You will be prompted to accept the transaction on your Ledger device. Make sure to verify that the data displayed on your device is identical to the one you entered.

Need help?

If you have any questions, you can contact us on the official Telegram chat or Discord. If you want to report a bug, you can do so on our Github repository.

