Mass Adoption Of AERGO: Venture Capitalist Validations

Corey Crypto- Syscoin
Aergo blog
Published in
5 min readSep 28, 2021

Introduction: AERGO, One Of The Few Blockchains Backed By The Top 20 VC’s

The Names Here Speak For Themselves: And AERGO Is Amongst Some Of The Most Well Known Blockchains In The Space

It is evident that in order for a blockchain project to succeed, it must follow numerous principles for mass adoption; awareness, technological success, a strong community and strong monetary backing: AERGO has just that. Within the realm of cryptocurrency, seventeen out of the top twenty venture capital firms in the entire world have invested in blockchain companies, and AERGO has made it onto that prestigious list, which cannot be overstated. AERGO, based off of the infographic above and Blockdata is one of the largest fifty-four companies out of one-hundred and thirteen companies to be invested in by some of the largest venture capital funds in the world. AERGO is alongside cryptocurrency behemoths such as Coinbase, Binance, Kucoin, Solana, Uniswap, OpenSea, Ripple and many others, proving the necessary point to comprehend for new and veteran investors and innovators alike that AERGO, as a project, is alongside these other titans of blockchain industry in venture capital backing.

Sequoia Capital: A Powerhouse Titan Of Venture Capital Equity Sees Potential In AERGO, Along With Other Contributors

The Powerhouse Venture Capital Firm Believes In AERGO And Invested Their Own Capital Into The Company As A Startup

For a cryptocurrency in the Top 450 in totality of market capitalization, this comes as a major shocker, however, it wouldn’t be surprising to see major traction within the AERGO ecosystem as time goes on. Did you know that Sequoia Capital, one of the most well known powerhouse companies in the venture equity space, invested in AERGO? If you’re unfamiliar with Sequoia, well, they also invested in companies such as Apple, Google, Oracle, PayPal, YouTube, Instagram and Whatsapp. Other contributors in the private token sale include, but are not limited to, FBG, GBIC, Arrington XRP, Dekrypt, Rockaway, Neo Global, Divergence Digital as well as many more traditional VCs, specialist crypto funds, and angel investors. It speaks volumes that AERGO is alongside some of the largest names in the entirety of the cryptocurrency space in venture capital backing. Out of the many venture capital firms that participated in the early investment of AERGO, it is incumbent to break down some of these expansive and prominent firms that entrust in AERGO’s vision and technology.

Backers Upon Backers: VC’s Upon VC’s: The Persistent And Consistent Backing Of AERGO

The Above Picture Speaks For Itself: These Are The Major Backers And Early Investors Of AERGO

Breaking down the entirety of these backers would turn this article into a dissertation, but it is crucial to understand how prominent some of these companies are in the venture capital world, Sequoia, covered previously, being one of these major firms. Arrington XRP Capital is one of these major venture capital firms that emphasizes investment into startups and promotes incubation of promising projects that exist within the realm of blockchain. Alongside AERGO, Arrington XRP Capital’s portfolio includes prominent projects such as BlockFi, Polkadot, Near Protocol, Algorand, Terra, Certik and XRP. Arrington XRP Capital has raised over 300 million dollars in funds, their latest being on June 10th, 2021 which raised a total of 100 million dollars. RocketFuel, another venture capital firm, consists of some of the brightest minds from cutting edge conglomerates such as Snapchat, Airbnb, Uber and Accenture. Many employees of RocketFuel are graduates from leading universities such as MIT, Columbia and UC Berkeley. RocketFuel has invested in prominent projects alongside AERGO, which include ICON, Chainlink, Harmony One, Vechain, Qtum, Wanchain and Bluezelle. Block VC is one of the most prominent venture capital firms in digital assets, with over 100 employees worldwide and exposure to 60 cutting edge projects, amounting to 600 million dollars total in investment. Block VC assisted in early investment rounds for AERGO, which emphasizes the point that they see AERGO as a cutting edge technological innovator within the blockchain sphere. These are just four projects out of 30 different organizations that participated in AERGO’s seed funding, so why is this important, well it is important for numerous reasons.

Venture Capital Investment: The Calling Card Of A Promising Project

Out Of The Nearly 13,000 Cryptocurrencies That Exist, AERGO Has Succeeded In Proving Itself To Venture Capital Firms As A Blockchain Project With Longevity And Technological Ingenuity

Venture capital investment is not to be taken lightly; these companies are filled with some of the brightest minds in seed financing, specifically around digital assets. To garner the attention of retail investors is one thing, but to garner funding and attraction from a multi-million dollar professional firm, that is a whole other animal to reckon with. AERGO has solidified itself, through this notion, as a major contender of being one of the most promising projects that exist within the blockchain space and their venture capital backing proves that point. To garner attention and attraction, specifically from Sequoia Capital, is an outstanding feat for a company, especially a company where they directly participated in seed funding for the AERGO startup, among many other prominent firms. Mass adoption is led by those with prominence and knowledge on the prerequisites of what makes a promising project, and the fact that AERGO was one of 54 projects out of 113 with the most venture capital backing says something surrounding its overall trajectory and innovation as a blockchain company.

Conclusion: Blockchain Adoption Is Accompanied By Venture Capital Firms: The Solidification Of AERGO

Venture Capital Proves The Validity And Longevity Of A Project: AERGO Has Passed That Test

AERGO is poised to be one of the most dominant blockchain projects in South Korea and the entire Asian continent. Through the many seed investors and venture capital firms that have invested in AERGO, which has been shown to be alongside some of the most well-known projects and organizations in blockchain, exemplifies the ideal that AERGO is here to stay, to continuously grow in the future. This is AERGO, a blockchain project that emphasizes eVoting solutions, venture capital and governmental validity from various organizations which include some of the most prominent venture capital firms in the world.

Disclaimer: Cryptocurrency investing and gambling requires substantial risk, do not invest or gamble more than you can afford to lose! I am not a financial adviser and I am not responsible for any of your trades. It is incumbent that you always do your own research before investing in anything!



Corey Crypto- Syscoin
Aergo blog

Disclaimer: Crypto investing involves substantial risk, do not invest more than you can afford to lose! This material is for educational purposes only!