Telecommunications Technology Association (TTA) Measures AERGO Enterprise Performance

Jae Nam
Aergo blog
Published in
2 min readFeb 3, 2020

The performance of AERGO Enterprise 2.1.0 was officially measured by the Telecommunications Technology Association (TTA) on December 27th, 2019. TTA is the leading IT standardization association in Korea that collects, analyzes, researches, and distributes diverse information on cutting-edge domestic and foreign telecommunication technologies and their standardizations.

As a result of the testing, AERGO Enterprise 2.1.0 contract call resulted in 3,788.8 TPS (Transactions per second) when running 300,000 transactions simultaneously on a private blockchain with Raft consensus.

The TTA testing environment was very different from the regular testing which was conducted internally last March. The last testing resulted in an average of 6,250 TPS when measuring the performance of a simple send transaction on a public blockchain with the AERGO Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) consensus.

The TTA also confirmed several other features of AERGO Enterprise 2.1.0; such as Leader Selection, Transaction Control, and Node Authority control. They had noted that these functions performed well.

The result of the TTA testing brings significant meaning and insight as the AERGO Enterprise showed a substantially higher throughput when measuring the contract call for a tx with a payload of 256 byte. Note that the contract call is a more complex and complicated transaction to perform.

Furthermore, AERGO has established itself as being officially recognized by the leading standardization organization in the area of Information and Communications Technology, the TTA.

Moving forward, AERGO Enterprise and its contract call using SQL will significantly improve its performance and contribute towards developing industry standard technology for enterprises. The official results release from the TTA will come out soon, stay tuned for more updates.

