COVID-19 Update

COVID-19 has been an unparalleled crisis in modern history. People, governments and business around the world are adapting to our rapidly changing reality. We are all in this together and Aeriosense is here to support our clients and do our part to help the society in the fight against this deadly virus.

The power grid is of vital importance to modern society. This is more evident that ever right now with hospitals and emergency services operating at full capacity. To minimize the risks of power failure, inspections are needed to catch any issues or defects before they cause an outage.

Here at Aeriosense, we are uniquely situated to provide this crucial service. Drone inspections, by nature, require less crew to be present on a job site and the crew that is present can practice responsible social distancing. Some other inspection methods such as via helicopters or bucket trucks will often require workers to be close to one another.

In the effort to do our part to slow the spread of COVID-19, we have modified our own operating and safety procedures to reflect these changes. Notable additions include:

  1. Each crew member must ensure that they
  • Are not showing any symptoms, or are currently undergoing testing for COVID-19
  • Take and follow the guidelines recommended in the BC Self-Assessment Tool
  • Self-isolate for a minimum of 3 weeks after travel outside of Canada

2. When traveling to and from a job site, each crew members will travel in a separate vehicle

3. When conducting an inspection, all crew members must maintain minimum 2 meters distance at all times

Responsible Social Distancing during an Inspection

We understand the severity of this virus and are taking all precautions to keep our employees and others safe while still ensuring that the critical electrical grid continues to run smoothly.

We are actively monitoring and assessing the situation, and will continue to update our operating and safety procedures to reflect new information and recommendations. We recommend other organizations take these same precautions; we are all in this together.

Visit our website for more information and case studies:

