Happy New Year!

Published in
2 min readJan 2, 2020

Happy New Year Everyone!

I hope you guys are all safe and having a good time. I know you all made your resolutions, and ready to change things for the better this year.

I did too. My new year’s resolution is to add my contribution to fixing the planet.

Last year, I saw Aurora’s talk on “Outrage & Optimism” (https://youtu.be/5yMwiif8iLw). She said that she wants to be a part of the generation that will be remembered as the generation that fixed the dying planet, and not the one that killed it. This was quite inspirational and got me thinking… and since I am a problem solver as a software engineer, I asked myself a question of how I would approach solving a larger and non-trivial problem like this.

Of course, before thinking of a solution, you have to understand what is causing the problem, and after some time of carefully thinking about the issue, I found the culprit, something that can actually be fixed and is the root cause. The culprit is the mass culture of consumerism (not capitalism by itself as a lot of people believe). An addictive mass culture that both kills the planet and takes away our freedom at the same time.

I also understood that it is this culture that keeps us isolated, lonely and, because of this, hooked.

I was also fascinated and inspired by Greta’s movement for climate action, but the solution that came to my mind wasn’t related to politics and believing that it is the responsibility of politicians to solve this.

I realized that the solution will be to unplug from the culture of consumerism. But how? By becoming self-sufficient.

I knew that off-the-grid living is something that the world already knows about and isn’t something viral and doesn’t seem to become a way of life of the many. A lot of people think that you have to go off every grid to unplug. But it is not true.

I propose a model of life that I call “Unit of Self-Sufficiency” that I believe is a much more flexible approach. It will be a bit lengthy to describe it here, so I wrote a mini-book explaining my vision. You can find it here: https://aeroaquaponic.org

I don’t know whether this is THE solution, but this is certainly something that I am going to dedicate myself to from now on. I am also dedicating myself to sharing all of the knowledge that I will get along the way with all of you, and I hope you will find it useful.

Happy new year!




At Aeroaquaponic, we believe that the solution that will change the dead-end direction of modern society lies in sustainability (https://aeroaquaponic.org)