How to Deploy a Lektor Static Site

Jason Gowans
Aerobatic Blog
Published in
2 min readApr 26, 2016

Lektor is a Python-based static content management system that outputs 100% static HTML. In this post, we’ll deploy our first Lektor site to Aerobatic.

Getting Started

Before installing Lektor, you’ll first need to make sure you have Python 2.7 installed and ImageMagick. The Lektor site has more details on installation requirements.

Assuming you have those pre-requisites, you can go ahead and install Lektor to your machine:

curl -sf | sh

Create and build a Lektor site

In this demo, we’ll build a sample site as follows:

lektor quickstart
cd yourproject
lektor build --output-path build

This will take the demo site and create the static assets in the /yourproject/build directory

Create repo

We’re now ready to create a git repository and push our site to Bitbucket:

# initialize new git repository
git init
# commit and push code to master branch
git commit -a -m "Initial commit"
git remote add origin
git push -u origin master

Your Bitbucket respository should now look similar to this:

Create website

Now that we’ve pushed our code to Bitbucket, we can then create our website. We’ll assume you’ve already installed the Aerobatic add-on for Bitbucket. So, in Aerobatic, go ahead and create your site:

Note that our deployment directory is the /build directory where we placed all the static HTML assets.

And that’s it! Our site is now live:


If you haven’t hosted your sites before with Bitbucket and Aerobatic, it’s easy to get started. We’ll have your site live in less than a minute.

Here’s a link to the demo repo, that we referenced in this tutorial.

